Touch safe fuse holder

St. Louis, Mo.—With the greater emphasis on safety, Safety J fuseholder is introduced touch safe. A carrier design holds and covers the fuse as well as provides a means to insert or remove it. Offered in 0-30 and 35-60 amp sizes, Safety J mounts on a DIN rail and provides for ganging single pole parts to a multiple pole unit.

St. Louis, Mo. —With the greater emphasis on safety, Safety J fuseholder is introduced touch safe. A carrier design holds and covers the fuse as well as provides a means to insert or remove it. Offered in 0-30 and 35-60 amp sizes, Safety J mounts on a DIN rail and provides for ganging single pole parts to a multiple pole unit. The 3.6 × 2.75 in. size of a three pole 30 amp assembly is 50% smaller than the current Class J fuse block. A dual port terminal allows daisy-chaining, potentially eliminating additional circuit splittingdevices. There are two probe holes for testing voltage across the fuse and an optional neon lamp which lights when the fuse opens yet voltage and a current path remain.

Bussmann Div. Cooper Industries