Up-to-date information helps in the battle to stay current. Here are two recent references.
Up-to-date information helps in the battle to stay current. Here are two recent references.
”Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics,” by Malcolm Barnes, ISBN 0750658088, Newness, an imprint of Elsevier Science , 304 pp, (July 2003) covers the basics of installing, operating, and troubleshooting variable-speed drives (VSDs). Practical treatment of the topic extends to control wiring, operating modes, braking types, automatic restart, harmonics, electrostatic discharge, and electromagnetic compatibility/interference issues. Typical VSD applications in process control and materials handling—for example, pumping, ventilation, conveyors, compressors, and hoists—are covered in detail.
”Variable Reluctance Machines (Analysis Design and Control)” by Bahram Amin, French National Research Institute of Transportation (INRETS), ISBN 2-9514653-1-9 (July 2003), should rate as a welcome addition to the reference sources of motor designers and developers.
The author shares numerous insights and results of his investigations involving variable-reluctance motors and their power converters. Among other things, these motors exhibit unusual relationships between air gap dimension and output torque. Separate appendixes treat basic field computation in a linear regime, and the important problems of noise and vibration in these motors.
The book is available from the author at Tel: + (33) 1 47 40 73 09; Fax: + (33) 1 45 47 56 06 or from the Lavoisier bookstore .
In addition, the Control Engineering Bookstore may have titles of interest. Search on keyword electric motor or motion control.
—Frank J. Bartos, executive editor, [email protected]