Advanced process control: Past, present and future

From single-loop to multi-loop

One (1) Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available for all attendees. 

Advanced process control (APC) has been through many changes, and more are on the horizon.  This webcast will provide the audience with perspectives to understand, select and implement the various APC options available today, and prepare for tomorrow.

Advanced process control comprises a number of tools and techniques whose common characteristic is taking process automation beyond the limits of single-loop control and into the realm of multi-loop (or multivariable) control.

A shared working knowledge of APC among all stakeholders – not just control engineers – is essential for modern process automation success.  This includes managers and supervisors seeking cost-effective process automation solutions, and for means to motivate engineering teams to greater process automation accomplishment. Process engineers (also known as production or operation engineers) will benefit from increased understanding of how modern control systems can be easily tapped for improved process performance and optimization. Process control and automation engineers will benefit by more readily identifying APC opportunities and selecting appropriate solutions.