Water Environment Federation celebrates 75th anniversary

Chicago, IL - The Water Environment Federation marked its diamond anniversary at the WEFTEC 2002 Annual Conference and Exhibition.

Chicago, IL – The Water Environment Federation marked its diamond anniversary at the WEFTEC 2002 Annual Conference and Exhibition. The conference and show, which was held from September 28 through October 2, is said to be the leading gathering on water quality and pollution control technologies and issues.

Pertinent sessions included a wide variety of topics including but not limited to design of collection systems, computer applications and instrumentation, industrial issues and treatment technologies, municipal wastewater treatment processes, and plant operation and maintenance.

This year’s event was held at McCormick Place. The 2003 event will be held October 11 through 15 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA.

Control Engineering Daily News DeskDick Johnson, Senior Editor [email protected]