What makes an engineering trailblazer? Read about the 2023 leaders here

Engineering Leaders Under 40 include 34 rising stars of innovation.

CFE Media and Technology proudly presents the Engineering Leaders Under 40, Class of 2023 — a cohort of 35 exceptional minds, all hailing from the industrial manufacturing, controls, automation and systems integration professions. These pioneers are reshaping the industries of technology and engineering.

These remarkable individuals have surpassed boundaries and expanding the boundaries of what’s possible. From optimizing industrial processes to engineering seamless automation solutions, their collective achievements have streamlined operations and laid the groundwork for a more sustainable and efficient future. Their varied interests make them talented, quirky and downright fun.

In this feature, delve into the stories behind these engineering leaders — their aspirations, their breakthroughs and the journeys that have led them to their various careers. Learn about clever problem-solving skills of these young leaders, each a driving force behind the transformative advancements that are shaping the course of engineering, applied creatively across many industries.

Engineering Leaders Under 40, Class of 2023

ChatGPT was allowed to “read” select entries and suggested some of the wording here, which was reviewed and edited by Control Engineering and Plant Engineering editors. Learn more about the program and how to nominate a colleague for 2024 at www.controleng.com/EngineeringLeaders; nominations open April 1, 2024.

Written by

Amanda McLeman

Amanda McLeman is the research director and project manager of awards programs for CFE Media and Technology.