Reno, NV—A whitepaper about the worldwide analog market from Databeans Inc. shows that it is growing at a compound annual rate of 12% and outperforming many other integrated circuit (IC) markets.
Reno, NV —A whitepaper about the worldwide analog market from Databeans Inc. shows that it is growing at a compound annual rate of 12% and outperforming many other integrated circuit (IC) markets. The market, which is expected to reach $68 billion by 2012, is attracting new competitors, and Databeans anticipates vendors will struggle for market share gains. The whitepaper, “Freescale Advances into Multi-Market Analog and Power Management,” also examines Freescale Semiconductor ’s current position in the market and the company’s analog strategies, which are expected to drive a significant increase in its served markets for application-specific analog ICs.
According to Databeans, Freescale is the world’s seventh largest analog supplier, with offerings that include power management solutions, radio frequency (RF) ICs, integrated transceivers, and switches for application-specific markets. Databeans estimates that Freescale will increase its served available market by 40%, from $18 billion to $29 billion after executing its planned full-scaled growth initiative.
Control Engineering has other articles, news, and products on Freescale.
—Edited by Lisa Sutor , Control Engineering Daily News Desk