Application software: Versatyle Testr3 Studio

Versatyle Testr3 Studio from Versatyle Test Corp. is a stand-alone application engineered to build an effective test automation environment and eliminate dependency on third-party software programming.

Versatyle Test Corporation Versatyle Testr3 Studio 2009

The Versatyle Testr3 Studio from Versatyle Test Corporation is a stand-alone application engineered to build an effective test automation environment while eliminating dependency on third-party software programming. This solution takes a leap into the future by greatly improving how automated tests are created. Users can create complex automated tests in a fraction of time compared with traditional testing methods. The Testr3 Studio lets users control test equipment with industry standard communication protocols such as GPIB, TCP/IP, RS-232 and LXI. Built with Microsoft.NET technology, the Versatyle Testr3 Studio provides a robust testing platform designed to build tests quickly using standard codeless modules.

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– Edited by Sidney Hill, Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering