Leader Under 40: Patrick Marcus

President, Marcus Engineering LLC – PhD Biomedical Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering + Entrepreneurship, University of Arizona

By Control Engineering Staff October 21, 2011

Patrick Marcus, 34

President, Marcus Engineering LLC , www.marcusengineering.com

Tucson, Ariz.


PhD Biomedical Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering + Entrepreneurship, University of Arizona


  • Helps Marcus Engineering LLC offer advanced technological design services including embedded systems design, turnkey product development, analog and power electronics design, industrial controls, instrumentation, automation, and, PCB layout.
  • Inside Tucson Business, “Jack of all trades, Master of Solar” (bit.ly/lY8ssa)
  • Southern Arizona Leadership Council (www.salc.org) Associate Member

Launched and helped grow multiple successful technology startup companies.

Non-work-related activity

  • Interactive Solar Power public art sculptures(www.solarsculptures.com). “I greatly enjoy branching out, sharing my artistic side, and exposing my skills to a community that would otherwise not see my creations.”
  • Arizona Civic Leader: Phoenix-based Arizona Center for Civic Leadership (azcivicleadership.org) announced March 2 that Marcus is one of 25 fellows in the inaugural class of the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy, sponsored by the Flinn Foundation and the Thomas R. Brown Foundations. On civic leadership, he said, “Many companies wouldn’t get started without good policy driving grant opportunities, developing incubators, and providing other small business support. That’s really just the tip of the iceberg, though: The indirect impact of education policy covering the P-20 levels, transportation issues, immigration, and health care all affect my ability to draw employees, form partnerships, attract investment capital, and generate locale-based credibility.”

Engineering-related activity

  • Solar oven workshop for children (www.marcusengineering.com): “The process of building the ovens went great. Some time was spent explaining the principles behind the ovens’ operation. The importance of the parabolic shape, the finish of the tin foil, and the location of the oven’s focal point were expressed in a way the kids could wrap their heads around. There is a lot to be said for the attentiveness of a hungry fifth grader,” he said.
  • “Educating the future U.S. engineering and scientists is very rewarding. The children are excited, exciting, and very energetic!”
  • Interactive Solar Power public art sculptures have a solar-energy-efficient theme.
  • Industry mentor to the University of Arizona Engineering Senior Design Program.

Interesting details

Marcus participates in the Arizona Bioindustry Association, the Arizona Optics Industry Association Board, Arizona Technology Council, and serves as an advisor on the University of Arizona College of engineering young Alumni Advisory Board. He also used to assistant teach salsa dancing at the university.

Began interest

Marcus has always had a passion for electronics, but creating motion, production, and automation were fascinating to him. “Almost all aspects of controls and automation make our lives easier, better, and safer,” said Marcus. “I get tremendous satisfaction from that!”

Arizona Bioindustry Association, azbio.org

Arizona Optics Industry Association, aoia.org

Arizona Technology Council, www.aztechcouncil.org

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