Frank Burger

Frank Burger, principal engineer, Avanceon


Courtesy: VIPA ControlsAmerica and New Products for Engineers' Database
PLCs, PACs October 11, 2023

PLC standards for the new-ish millennium

PLC standards have greatly changed since the 1980s. Learn how modern programming tools have greatly improved PLC development.

By Frank Burger
Key hardware considerations include whether to do an in-kind replacement of PLC-5 with ControlLogix, or to use a CompactLogix. Courtesy: Rockwell Automation, CFE Media's New Products for Engineers Database
PLCs, PACs September 29, 2022

Benefits of upgrading from a PLC-5

The upgrade process for a PLC-5 is relatively easy and can enable organizations and employees to do things they have not yet thought of.

By Frank Burger
Workforce Development July 15, 2021

Four ways to build a digital knowledge infrastructure

Building a digital knowledge infrastructure helps younger workers learn the specific ins and outs of a company's process from more experienced workers, giving them an advantage as they start their career.

By Frank Burger
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