By the Numbers – 2009-01-01

Fluid, floating engineering projects; security undertones; New Years Eve Ball, winning system integrators, and technology transfer are among engineering related numbers of interest this month. Link to each and more.

4 amazingly fluid engineering projects in the Festo Bionic Learning Network are the AquaJelly, AirJelly, AirArm, and YoYo. See how mesmerizing engineering can be by watching and learning about a mechanical jellyfish or a jellyfish-like airship. See photos and videos at .

45 supporting requirements in the NERC CIP standards include “dominating technical security undertones,” according to Security Awareness– Changing the Behavior of Your Workforce, the Dec. 16, 2008, entry at the Control Engineering Industrial Cyber Security blog. ,

2x Did you have double the fun on New Year’s Eve? Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball to begin 2009 was a 12 foot geodesic sphere, twice the size of previous ones, weighing 11,875 lb. With 2,668 Waterford Crystals and 32,256 Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDS, is can create more than 16 million colors, according to .

2-3 Feb. is the SANS Institute Process Control and SCADA Security Summit in Orlando, FL, noted the Control Engineering Pillar to Post blog on Dec. 16. ,

>12 magazines covering design, engineering, motion, or electronics (including Control Engineering ) are available via subscription at .

3rd volume of the Packaging Automation Benchmark Study became available in December, along with a Webcast talking about research results from the year-long effort.

3 System Integrators of the Year give tips for success in short podcasts. They do not say invest less in engineering or technologies.

427 patents are described as of Dec. 11, 2008, under the intellectual property, industry professionals area of Oak Ridge National Labs site to help promote technology transfer from U.S. government labs to private enterprise.

40 years ago, in late 1968, NASA changed mission plans and decided to send the Apollo 8 crew all the way to the moon without a lunar module on the first manned flight of the massive Saturn V rocket. Remember what happened? Read more, including a 2008 year in review, at .

54th Analysis Division Symposium, April 19-23, 2009, Houston, TX, discusses process and other analytical techniques, developments and applications.

100 member firms of MCAA accounted for more than half of the revenues for U.S. measurement, control and automation products and services in 2005, according to the Measurement, Control, & Automation Association.

2009 ASEE Engineering Research Council Annual Conference on Engineering R&D Opportunities, in Arlington, VA, March 8-10, will enhance research in engineering, technology, computing and applied science in education. It is part of the American Society for Engineering Education, .

20 mm is the nominal operating gap maintained by levitation control coils placed around the magnets on the vehicle for suspension stabilization. MagneMotion’s Urban Maglev Transit System uses attractive magnetic forces for suspension, guidance, and propulsion of vehicles on a guideway, using one magnetic structure. The design recently won a second U.S. patent. Control Engineering news , Dec. 17. ,

27 requirements in 13 industries are listed on an industry matrix chart available in the TUV Rheinland of North America Corporate Brochure, including ATEX safety requirements, wireless Bluetooth and WiFi testing, functional safety, among others.

9 subcategories under “Engineers” in the U.S. Department Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 edition, include training (bachelor’s degree in engineering required for most entry level jobs), job outlook (good but will vary by specialty), and earnings (among the highest of college graduates). Learn more at .

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