Machine and Embedded Control - Discrete sensors: The E67 Series Long Range Perfect Prox sensor is engineered to solve the most difficult photoelectric sensing applications through patented optics technology reliably detecting targets regardless of material color, texture, reflectance, contrast, or surface shape. This is a Control Engineering 2013 Engineers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention.

The E67 Series Long Range Perfect Prox photoelectric sensor can detect objects that cause trouble for most other sensors up to 8 ft away, while ignoring even highly reflective objects, just outside of the target range.
The E67 Series sensors reliably detect flat black, highly translucent and off-angle targets. A high-performance, long-range background rejection sensor, the E67 Series Long Range Perfect Prox sensors reliably detects targets in range, regardless of variations in color, reflectance, contrast, or surface shape.
The Perfect Prox technology is engineered to provide exceptional background rejection and application problem solving.
Eaton Corp.