EC: MINI Pro signal conditioners

Network Integration — Signal Conditioning, Diagnostics: Phoenix Contact's 6-mm MINI Pro analog signal conditioners provide easy installation for converting, isolating, filtering or amplifying analog signals, while requiring up to 65% less space than traditional signal conditioners. This is a Control Engineering 2015 Engineers’ Choice award winner.

Phoenix Contact’s new MINI Pro signal conditioners save space and make installation and configuration quick and easy for isolation, conversion, filtering or amplification of analog signals.

The compact signal conditioners measure just 6.2 mm wide, so they require up to 65% less space than traditional signal conditioner designs. Using less space in the control cabinet or panel can potentially reduce the overall cost of the design.

The MINI Pro signal conditioners have multiple configuration options, including DIP switch, PC programmable, and via an Android app. This makes it easy for engineers to configure the signal conditioners, even if they do not have printed data sheets in hand.

The angled housing makes it easier to access the wiring, so that terminations can be made in any order. Integrated test points allow loop testing without disconnecting the circuit.

The MINI Pro’s FASTCON Pro terminal blocks are clearly visible and easy to install. The user can easily and completely disconnect signal and supply circuits with just the twist of a screwdriver. Each terminal is also keyed, eliminating connection errors.

T-bus power bridging system can be used to supply power to multiple MINI Pro signal conditioners without the need for daisy chain wiring. This speeds up installation and eliminates wiring errors.

With a voltage range of 9.3 to 30 Vdc and operating temperature range of -40 to 70 C, MINI Pro signal conditioners are suitable for nearly every industrial application.

Phoenix Contact,