EC: TC mGuard secure cellular communication product

Network Integration — Wireless products: Phoenix Contact's TC mGuard provides secure remote communications using the cellular network wherever a wired connection is not possible. This is a Control Engineering 2017 Engineers’ Choice Awards Finalist.

Phoenix Contact’s new TC mGuard products provide secure remote communications using the cellular network wherever a wired connection is not possible. The TC mGuard meets the demand for remote maintenance and secure supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), two growing needs in today’s connected industrial world.

As machines become more complex, machine builders can differentiate themselves from competitors by providing outstanding technical support, but traveling to a customer’s remote location can get expensive. The ability to communicate with and service remote devices can help a machine builder stay competitive. Tech-to-machine (T2M) communication can also reduce travel and support expenses.

The TC mGuard communicates through the Phoenix Contact mGuard Secure Cloud (mSC), a secure, cloud-based service. The combination of cellular network and the proven IPsec virtual private network (VPN) provides an ideal solution for remote maintenance and support.

The TC mGuard can also help secure SCADA applications. Typically, SCADA applications that rely on cellular technology pay little attention to network security. These systems communicate over the Internet with little protection and may have public-facing IPs, exposing the network to attacks.

The TC mGuard brings the proven benefits of the mGuard family to cellular SCADA applications. The IPsec VPN technology ensures SCADA data stays secure over the Internet. The stateful firewall prevents unlawful access to the local network and secures remote assets.

Phoenix Contact,