Articles about how integrators can help IIoT applications, VFD parameter changes, mobile technology, and more were Control Engineering’s five most clicked articles from Nov. 23-29, 2020. Miss something? You can catch up here.

The top 5 most read articles online, from Nov. 23-29 for Control Engineering covered how integrators can help IIoT applications, VFD parameter changes, mobile technology, and more. Links to each article below.
1. How integrators can help IIoT applications
End users may find the variety of IIoT devices and connectivity technology to be intimidating. A system integrator can minimize risks and costs by implementing proven specification and implementation methods and architectures.
2. Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained
Programming variable frequency drives (VFDs) to fit most industrial applications require only the most basic settings to operate the motor. Understand these 5 VFD parameter changes to optimize VFD programming to fit most motor-drive applications.
3. Mobile technology with augmented reality bridges social distancing
Training methods address loss of human resources and personal contact during pandemic, improve operations.
4. Maintenance automation: create a new recipe for data integration
To get top ROI for digitalizing your asset maintenance, consider a modernized version of the automation pyramid using ISA-95 Enterprise-Control System Integration.
5. Evaluating IoT wireless protocols for industrial applications
Do IoT-based wireless technologies designed for municipal, building, and residential sensor networks offer anything for industrial users? How about 5G?
The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, Nov. 23-29, for articles published within the last two months.
Keagan Gay, digital media & production coordinator, CFE Media, [email protected].