Flow measurement instrumentation company acquired

The TASI Group has acquired Sierra Instruments, a flow measurement instrumentation manufacturer.

The TASI Group has acquired Sierra Instruments, a global company that manufactures flow measurement instrumentation products. Offering flow and test solutions to international markets for applications including oil and gas as well as processing, Sierra Instruments is comprised of two divisions: Flow, headquartered in Monterey, California and Auto, headquartered in Malvern, United Kingdom. The Flow Division manufactures mass flow meters and flow controllers for gas, liquid, or steam application. The Auto Division builds complex, custom, integrated test facilities and world-class engine and vehicle test automation systems.

“Sierra’s flow product portfolio compliments TASI Flow businesses, offering new technologies including transit-time ultrasonic and vortex shedding, among others,” said TASI CEO John McKenna in a press release.

– Edited from a TASI Group press release by CFE Media.