Low-capacitance data cables by AutomationDirect are designed for RS-232/422 and RS-485 communication in industrial environments.

AutomationDirect’s low-capacitance data cables are designed with impedances specific for RS-232/422 and RS-485 communication applications in industrial environments.
The 24 AWG tinned copper conductors are constructed as twisted pairs to reduce electrical noise sensitivity and are available in one, two, or three-pair color coded constructions. Polyethylene conductor insulation provides very high insulation resistance. The rugged gray PVC jacket is durable enough for demanding industrial applications.
Protection from radiated or conducted electromagnetic interference is provided by combination shields consisting of an overall foil shield layer with drain wire and a woven braid shield layer. This shield combination is effective across the frequency spectrum.
– Edited by Chris Vavra, Control Engineering, www.controleng.com