Invensys releases ArchestrA System Platform 2012 and Workflow 2012, core elements of InFusion Enterprise Control System. Video: Maryanne Steidinger explains the concepts behind business process management and Invensys’ broader software offerings.

Invensys Operations Management, a global provider of technology systems, software solutions, and consulting services to manufacturing and infrastructure industries, has released its ArchestrA System Platform 2012 and ArchestrA Workflow 2012 software offerings. The company says these two provide the core integration and collaboration platform inside of the company’s InFusion Enterprise Control System and, when used in combination, offer a broad range of automation and information functionality that allows users to empower their people, processes and systems for real-time business optimization.
Invensys characterizes ArchestrA System Platform 2012 as a single, scalable, and open platform for the entire spectrum of automation and information applications, addressing the business and functional needs of industrial automation, operations, and information personnel. Its plant-model based, integrated configuration environment provides a logical representation of the physical processes being controlled and supervised, enabling rapid configuration and deployment of component object-based industrial applications. When deployed, the company says its software improves performance; strengthens security; simplifies installation; increases operator and engineering productivity and efficiency; and supports new high-availability disaster recovery implementations using Windows Server Hyper-V virtualization from Microsoft. In addition, System Platform 2012 software supports all the latest remote desktop services that are part of Windows Server 2008 R2.
Relying on the company’s industry-standards-based ArchestrA architecture, the System Platform 2012 software also provides tighter integration with the company’s Workflow and Wonderware InTouch human machine interface software, as well as its extensive portfolio of automation and software applications. Together the improved offerings enable customers to unite their existing automation and IT systems and applications with systems and applications from Invensys, its ecosystem partners, and other third-party providers so they function as one, holistic enterprise control system.
The company’s ArchestrA Workflow 2012 business process management software enables industrial users to model, execute, analyze, and improve work processes inside and outside of their facilities, driving higher levels of collaboration, productivity and innovation. It allows critical operational workflows to be created, deployed, tracked, and assessed to drive greater process consistency and accountability. The software is also part of the company’s integrated development environment so system builders can easily add process workflows to their existing applications and extend these applications to other parts of their organizations, allowing consistent execution of standard practices, helping improve production consistency and driving compliance with regulatory requirements.
Edited by Peter Welander, [email protected]