Top 5 Control Engineering content: November 7-13, 2022

The most-viewed content from the past week covered OT edge computing, industrial 5G, COVID-19 masks and more.

Control Engineering’s top 5 content over the past week covered OT edge computing, industrial 5G, COVID-19 masks and more. Links to each article below.

1. Leveraging the OT edge to navigate process manufacturing

As plants adjust to meet the realities of a new global marketplace, an evolving control system with secure operational technology (OT) edge technologies will help lead the way

2. Industrial 5G fieldbus in R15 enhanced mobile broadband

5G technologies are in three parts; even in the first, it’s possible to communicate with industrial communications protocols. A fieldbus protocol can be used for industrial 5G, over the 5G R15 enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).

3. Sensors developed for fitted face masks

MIT researchers have developed a sensor to make it much easier to ensure a good face mask fit and it can be applied to any kind of mask.

4. Key strategies for improving alarm design and management

Coupling strategic engineering techniques with integrated management software helps unlock best-in-class alarm solutions. See five rules of alarm relevancy, three examples.

5. Six strategic steps to make systems integration seamless

Systems integration is a complex process that requires time, dedication, and the ability to take an objective look at the bigger picture.

The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, November 7-13, 2022, for articles published within the last two months.

Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, [email protected].

Written by

Chris Vavra

Chris Vavra is senior editor for WTWH Media LLC.