Intelligent I/O subsystem

San Diego, Calif. —Software addressing, optical isolation, RS-485 communications over twisted pairs, and 1.2 to 28.2 kb/sec rates are a few of the features of the remote intelligent data acquisition and control system (RDICS) I/O pods. Each RDICS pod uses ASCII string functions and is remotely programmed from applications such as Basic, C[++], or TurboPascal.

San Diego, Calif. —Software addressing, optical isolation, RS-485 communications over twisted pairs, and 1.2 to 28.2 kb/sec rates are a few of the features of the remote intelligent data acquisition and control system (RDICS) I/O pods. Each RDICS pod uses ASCII string functions and is remotely programmed from applications such as Basic, C[++], or TurboPascal. Each I/O pod is housed in a 4- or 6-in. deep NEMA 4 enclosure containing one multiplexed, eight channel single-ended input with 12-bit A/D resolution and a choice of single or dual signal conditioning multiplexers with 16 channels each.

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