Product Exclusive: Festo’s compact mechatronic controller CECC is the first mini controller with IO-Link master and CoDeSys V3 programming software, the company said. It reduces installation time, simplifies programming, and enables fast and cost-effective control of sensors and actuators.

The compact mechatronic controller CECC is the first mini controller with IO-Link master and CoDeSys V3 software for programming. It reduces installation times, simplifies programming, and enables fast and cost-effective control of sensors and actuators. The mechatronic controller CECC is the answer to small-scale automation applications with limited I/O connections. Despite modest dimensions, the CECC’s variety of interfaces allows it to handle different electric and pneumatic automation tasks. The mini controller also can serve as a CANopen master and interface and can be easily and reliably integrated into higher-level systems such as Profinet, EtherNet/IP, and Modbus TCP.
Fast diagnostics
A major advantage of the CECC is its IO-Link master with four channels.
Festo offers ready-to-install valve terminals for the IO-Link interface. More sensors and actuators will be added to the range for this type of connection in the coming months. Third-party devices that conform to the IO-Link standard (IEC 61131-9) can, of course, also be actuated.
Easy installation
Parameterization of the I/O point can be done centrally during commissioning, without going to the installation site. The easy-to-operate configuration tool for IO-Link masters in CoDeSys V3 programming software speeds up commissioning of sensors and actuators, and the nominal/actual comparisons ensure operational reliability.
The integrated interface of the CECC is another step toward long-term simplification of data handling. It enables recipes and projects to be loaded, diagnostic and quality data to be recorded, and enables condition monitoring USB.
CANopen for automation
The integrated CANopen master of the mechatronic controller CECC enables actuation of all electric drives and valve terminals from Festo. The fieldbus master can be used as a further open interface for additional functions.
Online only
– Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, CFE Media, Control Engineering and Plant Engineering, [email protected].
Festo is a global manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components, and controls for process control and factory automation solutions, with more than 55 national headquarters serving more than 180 countries. With 40 years of innovation in the United States and more than 80 years globally, Festo continuously elevates the state of manufacturing with innovations and optimized motion control solutions that deliver higher performing, more profitable automated manufacturing, and processing equipment. Festo said, “Our dedication to the advancement of automation extends beyond technology to the education of current and future automation and robotic designers with simulation tools, teaching programs, and on-site services.”
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