Modular, embedded controllers

EMC 40 Series controllers from Athena Controls offer the capabilities of a multi-zone PLC with analog functions on a small (4.5 x 7-in.), inexpensive control board for maximum flexibility in machine design applications. Board is said to give design engineers the wide range of expanded communications options required by today’s demanding temperature and process control applications.

EMC 40 Series controllers from Athena Controls are said to provide a wide range of communications options for demanding temperature and process control applications.

EMC 40 Series controllers from Athena Controls offer the capabilities of a multi-zone PLC with analog functions on a small (4.5 x 7-in.), inexpensive control board for maximum flexibility in machine design applications. Board is said to give design engineers the wide range of expanded communications options required by today’s demanding temperature and process control applications.

Basic board has four 24 V dc isolated digital inputs and six 24 V dc isolated digital sourcing outputs that share 750 mA of current. Its 14 MIPS processor handles four PID control zones and two encoder/counter inputs. The four 16-bit analog inputs can be standard process types (4-20 mA or 0-10 V dc), or low-level sensors, such as T/C, RTD, thermistor, or smart sensors that require excitation voltages of 5, 10, or 15 V dc. Large (256K) flash code and 8K RAM memory allow room for adding software capabilities required by complex, custom state machines.

Optional plug-in boards allow expanded communication and I/O functions. Display board choices include ten 7-segment digits (80 LEDs), ten keypad switches, or an intelligent touch panel display. Digital I/O choices include up to two isolated 12-bit analog output cards (4-20 mA or 0-10 V dc) or additional 24 V dc I/O cards. Communications options include Modbus over Ethernet or RS-485, and configuration and parameter uploads that can use RS-232 or USB.

Athena Controls Inc.