
Power May 1, 2019

Quint 20+ by Phoenix Contact 

Phoenix Contact’s Quint 20+ power supply line includes a single-device solution that meets functional safety applications up to safety integrity level (SIL) 3.

By Phoenix Contact
Power April 1, 2019

PDAM120 Series of 120W ac/dc power supplies by Power Partners, Inc. 

Power Partners’ PDAM120 Series of 120W ac/dc power supplies are designed for use in either medical or information technology equipment (ITE) applications.

By Power Partners, Inc.
Power March 1, 2019

THN 15N series by Traco Power 

Traco Power’s THN 15N series of 15 W dc/dc converters is designed to meet EMI Level A standards without external components and reduced no-load power consumption of 96-336mW and efficiencies up to 91%.

By Traco Power
Power February 7, 2019

Maximize production efficiency with high-end power measurement

Machine-friendly input/output (I/O) hardware for high-end measurement technology continues to grow, optimizing power monitoring while eliminating harmonic distortion.

By Sree Potluri
Power April 9, 2012

Field programmable power supplies have readouts, maintenance alarm

Product Exclusive: New AC Autotech Smart Power field programmable 30 W, 60 W, and 90 W power supplies from AVG Automation include built-in displays for current and voltage readout and pushbuttons for setting current limit. They can show operating life left, based on usage. See a video demonstration.

By Mark T. Hoske