Quint 20+ by Phoenix Contact
Phoenix Contact’s Quint 20+ power supply line includes a single-device solution that meets functional safety applications up to safety integrity level (SIL) 3.
PDAM120 Series of 120W ac/dc power supplies by Power Partners, Inc.
Power Partners’ PDAM120 Series of 120W ac/dc power supplies are designed for use in either medical or information technology equipment (ITE) applications.
THN 15N series by Traco Power
Traco Power’s THN 15N series of 15 W dc/dc converters is designed to meet EMI Level A standards without external components and reduced no-load power consumption of 96-336mW and efficiencies up to 91%.
Maximize production efficiency with high-end power measurement
Machine-friendly input/output (I/O) hardware for high-end measurement technology continues to grow, optimizing power monitoring while eliminating harmonic distortion.
Field programmable power supplies have readouts, maintenance alarm
Product Exclusive: New AC Autotech Smart Power field programmable 30 W, 60 W, and 90 W power supplies from AVG Automation include built-in displays for current and voltage readout and pushbuttons for setting current limit. They can show operating life left, based on usage. See a video demonstration.