Panel mount controller for larger robots

The ABB Robotics IRC5 panel-mounted controller's (PMC) functional has been extended for robot model from IRB 2400 to the IRB 7600.

ABB Robotics has extended the functionality of its IRC5 panel-mounted controller (PMC) to all ABB robots, including its largest robot models. Previously the PMC was only available for models up to the IRB 1600. Featuring a new, large panel mount drive module, PMC “Large” will bring smaller footprint functionality and simplified internal cabling benefits to robot models from the IRB 2400 up to the IRB 7600.

The PMC variant will also make integrating large robots significantly easier by allowing machine builders and system integrators the flexibility to create custom enclosures to best protect the electronics by the means appropriate for specific harsh environments. This will benefit numerous installation types, including food applications that require rigorous washdown capabilities, foundry applications where the moist, dusty atmosphere requires a sealed cooling system, and other environments where the controller may be faced with ignition risks, extreme temperatures or excessive vibration. With panel mounting, the controller can be sealed off from these factors with the best possible enclosure.

The PMC Large offers the full capability of the standard IRC5 controller, just without the full cabinet armor. This facilitates flexible mounting while still delivering the proprietary ABB motion control advantages of QuickMove to assure the shortest possible cycle time, and TrueMove for precise path accuracy and repeatability.

The PMC Large consists of a large drive module and the standard IRC5 control module that can be separately mounted in a variety of configurations, such as on top of each other, side-by-side, or back-to-back. Each module is made up of two layers, the first of which may be folded down for easy access to the second. Up to four drive modules may be connected to the same control module for multiple robot control (MultiMove) or control of additional axes.

The PMC Large is EMC certified, eliminating disturbances to surrounding equipment and allowing for EMC certification of the final enclosed solution.

ABB Robotics

– Edited by Chris Vavra, Control Engineering,