Sensor helps prevent corrosion in flue-gas handling systems for coal- and oil-fired boiler applications by monitoring the dewpoint for sulfuric acid condensation.
Lancom 200 measures sulfur dioxide dewpoint
The Lancom 200 from Ametek Land Instruments was developed specifically for oil-fired and coal-fired boiler systems that require periodic monitoring of the sulfuric acid dewpoint temperature to maintain boiler efficiency, prevent corrosion, or to evaluate the effectiveness of fuel additives and changes in combustion conditions.
The company says the portable monitor assures boiler operaters that the optimum operating temperature is maintained-just above the sulfuric acid dewpoint. The lightweight, easy-to-use Lancom 200 is able to obtain a reading in a matter of minutes, and can capture and store up to 10,000 readings.
In process control applications, data from the device can be used to reduce the use of costly fuel additives and to ensure maximum operating efficiency of electrostatic precipitators by reducing acid smut and aerosol (blue plume) emissions. On coal-fired boilers, operators can maintain flue gas temperatures above the sulfuric acid dewpoint, preventing air-heater fouling and reducing maintenance costs associated with cold-end corrosion.
Land Instruments offers a range of combustion efficiency and environmental monitoring instruments, including combustion efficiency monitors and stack gas emissions analyzers, along with dust, opacity, and smoke monitors.
-Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, [email protected],
Control Engineering Process Instrumentation & Sensors Monthly
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