Electromagnetic flowmeter series

OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters avoid moving parts entirely to avoid wear and measurement inaccuracy due to drifting. These flowmeters are full bore and do not require flow conditioners or strainers. OPTIFLUX flowmeters work free-of-charge alongside KROHNE’s OPTICHECK verification software, which provides on site meter verification without requiring the meter to be removed from service. This combination of instrumentation and software provides real time diagnostic information, flow rates and totals, and conductivity information, which are all made available via Modbus. 

OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters are available in multiple models. The OPTIFLUX 2050 is designed for basic water and wastewater applications such as flow and conductivity measurement. It has multiple outputs and a choice of liners including hard rubber. The OPTIFLUX 4300 serves advanced process and custody transfer (CT) applications. A market leader for water injection applications, this model has achieved pressure ratings up to 2500 pounds. It supports all types of connections, from RF and FF to RTJ and Clamp, and more. With robust, fully welded construction, this model is approved for hazardous areas and well suited for demanding environments due to its corrosion resistant materials.