HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 3.0

February 22, 2023

HighByte Intelligence Hub version 3.0 is leading the Industrial DataOps market with its focus on data contextualization and systems integration at scale. The solution supports open standards and provides Operational Technology (OT) teams the flexibility to merge, prepare, and deliver industrial information to IT, data scientists, and line of business stakeholders across the enterprise and supply chain.

HighByte Intelligence Hub version 3.0 simplifies scalability and complex data processing to meet the evolving needs of industrial companies in their Digital Transformation journey. The latest release includes core functionality to build, deploy, and manage a Unified Namespace (UNS), enable complex data pipeline processing, simplify project management, and allow broader accessibility to the software through third-party marketplaces.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 3.0 is a step change for Industrial DataOps. The release includes a re-designed User Experience (UX) accessible to both IT and OT, an embedded broker to quickly prototype and scale your Unified Namespace, new data pipelines for more complex data processing and preparation at the edge, improved ability to manage use case based deployments using modern CI/CD tooling, and much more.

For more information on this product visit New Products For Engineers.