Top 5 Control Engineering articles, May 16-22: Salary and career survey, energy outlook, robot programming languages, more

Articles about the 2016 Salary and Career Survey, annual energy outlook, robot programming languages, robots and smart factories, and offshore risk management were Control Engineering’s five most clicked articles from May 16-22. Miss something? You can catch up here.

The top 5 most read articles online, from May 16-22 for Control Engineering covered the 2016 Salary and Career Survey, annual energy outlook, robot programming languages, robots and smart factories, and offshore risk management. Link to each article below.

1. Control Engineering Salary and Career Survey, 2016

Control Engineering research shows nearly a 5% increase in salaries among respondents to an average of $94,747; analysis of salaries by years with employer shows upward salary pressure for engineering new hires. 

2. EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook sees winds of change

The Annual Energy Outlook 2016 indicates that natural gas will lead U.S. production into 2040; clean electrical generation is expected to increase, however.

3. A history of robot programming languages

There are many different programming languages for robots and it can become overwhelming to keep them all straight. Understanding the history of robotic programming languages can provide some perspective on why it is so convoluted and where they all come from.

4. Robots are ready to populate smart factories

Industrie 4.0 and the smart factories being built are heavily influencing robots that are being developed in the Czech Republic, which could have major changes on the labor market, according to Control Engineering Czech Republic.

5. Offshore risk management still inadequate, group says

While risk policies and additional regulations have been added to potentially prevent another incident like Deepwater Horizon, the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) determined that key concepts are needed to more effectively reduce risks.

The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, May 16-22, for articles published within the last two months.  

Chris Vavra, production editor, CFE Media, [email protected].