ICSP's top 5 articles from February covered the benefits of AI and a major cybersecurity framework update from NIST.

February was a big month on the cybersecurity front. Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse’s top 5 articles from February 2024 ran the gamut, from the benefits (and drawbacks) of artificial intelligence (AI) to information technology/operational technology (IT/OT) convergence to a major cybersecurity framework update from NIST. Here is our top-performing content from the past month.
1. Ep. 42: Lesley Carhart on the impact of AI on cybersecurity
By Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, CFE Media and Technology
No matter which industry you work in, it seems like all everyone is talking about is artificial intelligence (AI). So let’s get into it. On this podcast, Lesley Carhart of Dragos discusses AI’s role in industrial automation, how AI is helping attackers target PLCs and what AI does well (and poorly).
2. Ep. 43: Xavier Mesrobian on connecting OT and IT
By Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, CFE Media and Technology
IT/OT convergence has been a major topic of conversation amongst cybersecurity practitioners. For some, connecting IT and OT seems to be the next Industrial Revolution, or Industry 5.0. Today, we talk to Xavier Mesrobian of Skkynet about the benefits of connecting OT to IT and how to best connect them. Sponsored by: Skkynet
3. NIST releases version 2.0 of landmark cybersecurity framework
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used cybersecurity framework (CSF), its landmark guidance document for reducing cybersecurity risk. The new 2.0 edition is designed for all audiences, industry sectors and organization types, from the smallest schools and nonprofits to the largest agencies and corporations — regardless of their degree of cybersecurity sophistication.
4. eBook: Protecting Critical Infrastructure – Spring Edition
By CFE Media and Technology
Critical infrastructure provides the essential services that keep society running. A cyberattack on these systems could create a destabilizing effect on the nation’s physical security, economic security, and public health and safety. Featured articles in this eBook include stories on how NotPetya took down shipping giant Maersk, which OT/ICS devices are the riskiest and how companies can establish good cybersecurity governance.
5. Top 3 predictions for ICS and OT security in 2024
By Kai Thomsen, Dragos
There is an escalation in ransomware attacks on ICS and OT environments due to increased digitization. Additionally there is a concerning rise in sophisticated state-backed cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, with an issue of strategic preparations and intentions of nation-state actors to cause physical impacts. Finally, commoditization of ICS/OT technology will lower the bar for attacking a wide swath of industrial processes across many industry verticals.