Note to potential authors: Control Engineering article subscribers include end users, system integrators, original equipment manufacturers and machine builders. For more about subscribers and 2021 Interactive Media Kit see
MORE interests; MORE topics
Control Engineering research told us subscribers want more topics; 2020 had 55 topics listed and 16 special sections; 2021 has 57 topics and 24 special sections.
Areas of coverage include technologies, trends, tutorials, and applications related to:
- Control Systems and Strategy: DCS, PACs, PLCs, industrial PCs, CNC, loop control, PID, embedded control, edge and cloud computing, machine control, artificial intelligence, instrumentation, mobile devices, analytical instruments, test and calibration equipment
- Networking and Information: Ethernet, wireless, other networks, I/O modules and systems, HMI, mobility, SCADA, historians, data acquisition, Big Data, alarm management, simulation, safety, cybersecurity, industrial IT, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0
- Control Equipment and Energy: Motors, drives, robotics, mechatronics, motion control, energy efficiency, control valves, pumps, positioners, transmitters, sensors, vision, RFID, power supplies, power protection, power distribution, enclosures, and related components
- Industry Focus: System integrators, system integration, people, and workforce development, awards
Editorial deadline: Nov. 2, 2020
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative to learn more about Executive Voice/Corporate Profile; Fast Start Program; and Whitepaper Connection. Ad deadline: Dec. 15.)
Role of PLCs in future control systems; case studies
Technologies, software, communications and capabilities for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) have increased and are making for very interesting applications. Compare these applications to your PLC needs. Think ahead of what you’ll need tomorrow when considering a PLC today.
Wireless networks and sensors
Dependable, low-cost wireless communication coupled with low-power economical sensors create opportunities for wireless sensor networks. Where are what kind of sensor networks being used? What are the enabling technologies (network protocols, hardware, batteries and power harvesting)? What are the costs, benefits and cautions?
Machine safety risk assessment
Various safety standards require risk assessments. Are you doing machine safety risk assessments often enough and adequately training those involved about risks? Are you looking at mitigation during design or afterward? Do you know what modifications will require a new risk assessment? Do you know what records you should be keeping in case an OSHA inspector knocks, or if an attorney asks for documents after an injury?
Environmental sensors (and safety) – temperature, humidity, airflow, personnel
As sensors have become smaller and decreased in cost, they’ve gained more applications. What temperature, humidity, airflow and personnel sensors are being used in industrial settings, and how are they being integrated with controls and automation?
Automation System Integration Roundtable, Part 1: COVID-19 modifications
System integrators got the call as manufacturers needed to safety separate workers. What workplace distancing policies and procedures have been working, which aren’t and how are integrated technologies helping?
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation: Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
IIoT for Engineers: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and other next generation technologies influence automation, controls, instrumentation and other operations technologies.
Editorial deadline: Dec. 1, 2020
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative to promote Engineers’ Choice Winners to be announced this month. Ad deadline: Jan 22.)
RCEP Webcast – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
New DCS features, functions, future
Many distributed control systems (DCS) have reached end of useful lives, or are past that point, and are being replaced with newer process control systems. What are the features and functions of the new systems? If the new features aren’t being used, how does that change return on investment. Is avoiding downtime as valuable as avoiding downtime, gaining operational flexibilities, being able to run closer to setpoints, reducing waste, and attracting younger engineers? How will your new DCS shape your future?
Automation advantages with artificial intelligence, machine learning (AI/ML)
What are today’s AI/ML capabilities, what are AI/ML efforts helping and why should they be considered in automation applications? Is AI/ML just another software tool or do they represent a disruptive accelerator where applied? That is, if you’re not using AI/ML, should you be concerned if your competitors are?
Cybersecurity – Industrial control system (ICS) threats
Manufacturers have the opportunity to report industrial control system (ICS) cybersecurity threats to the government to help others with mitigation and strengthen overall responses. Long ago, manufacturers used to be worried about mentioning safety lapses. Now, signs regularly are posted at the gate: “243 days since the last safety incident.” Is anyone as public about cybersecurity? Should we be?
Safety – Manufacturing COVID-19 risk reduction
It’s been over a year since U.S. documented COVID-19 cases. What best practices have emerged for COVID-19 risk reduction so manufacturers can meet or exceed early 2020 output? Are there more reshoring efforts for critical supply chain assets to lower risk? Are more robotics, remote monitoring and diagnostics, augmented reality, mobile human-machine interfaces (HMIs), personnel tracking sensors and other automation being applied to enable more distance to lower risk?
34rd Engineers’ Choice Awards (Staff written: nomination deadline for the following year is first week in August; enter at
Control Engineering Engineers’ Choice Awards highlight some of the best new control, instrumentation, and automation products as chosen by Control Engineering’s print and online subscribers. Survey respondents are asked to select products based on technological advancement, service to the industry and market impact. Winners submit design or application advice.
Automation product implementation advice
Product design teams of the winning Engineers’ Choice Award products will be asked for advice in implementing the products, devices, software and systems that comprise the winning products for 2021. Tip and tricks: Learn some of the best ways to use these winning technologies from those involved in their design. End users and system integrators also can contribute.
Special sections
Inside Machines and Robotics: Features on automation and control topics related to what happens around and inside machines and industrial robots.
Applied Automation: Automation and control applications, trends and case studies.
IIoT Cloud
Digital Transformation
Machine and AI
Editorial deadline: Jan. 4, 2021
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about how CFE Media and Technology’s ContentStream and ContactStream software as a service can help. Ad close: Feb. 19.)
RCEP Webcast – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Edge – New edge devices (and automation benefits)
Part 1: Edge devices put computing, communications and analytics on the edge of the process and can offload tasks from machine or process controllers, keeping the factory or facility running. In newer architectures, edge computers can serve as the machine or process controller. What can edge devices do, and how can they optimize a factory or process architecture design and operations? How or when should they connect to the cloud? (For Part 2 in April, system integrators share edge-computing experiences and advice.)
Operational technology: Data acquisition, data architectures, data analytics
How data is treated for operational technology automation and control applications is increasingly important as people talk about Big Data analytics role in meeting enterprise goals. Data design, data architecture and data acquisition profoundly affect data analytics, or, in old-school terms: Garbage in, garbage out. Learn best practices for data gathering so that data can be turned into information and value beyond its original purpose.
Advances in ac motors
Motor designs and materials, motor efficiencies, motor specifications, motor-drive systems all influence motor sizing and selection for various applications. Don’t under-budget capital costs and pay many times that in increased energy and maintenance through the lifecycle of the ac motor. Ensure ac motor advances best serve the application.
Motion control (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic) advances
Motion control considerations extend well beyond motor type. Advances in pneumatics and hydraulics may make those technologies a better long-term choice than electric motors for some applications. Is it time to re-examine technology choices for a particular machine or plant design? If you’re only buying hammers, is everything really a nail?
Interoperability best practices, integration, automation, controls
Through mergers, acquisitions and pilot programs, organizations have been exposed to multiple control systems and various automation vendors’ products. Control Engineering research shows increasing willingness to consider automation purchases from other vendor as standardization frameworks encourage more interoperability. Here’s what you need to know about interoperability efforts as you step out of one automation ecosystem into a wider world.
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation: Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
Oil & Gas Engineering: helps maximize uptime and increase productivity through the use of industry best practices and new innovations, increase efficiency with automation and monitoring strategies, and maintain and improve safety for workers and the work environment.
Motors and Drives
* For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Editorial deadline: Feb. 1
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about Whitepaper Connection. Ad close: March 19.)
RCEP Webcast: IIoT Edge Series – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Advanced process control – PID tuning tips
Many control systems and individual loop controllers use proportional-integral-derivative (PID) tuning algorithms. Those who sell, integrate and use such software can offer PID tuning tips.
Control system external access, cybersecurity
Remote monitoring and even remote control are possible and may even be desirable in a pandemic. Has what we learned about cybersecurity lowered the risk for remote industrial control system access, monitoring, and control, or just made it more prevalent and increased attack opportunities for cybercriminals? How much cybersecurity is enough? Do I only have to be better than most to show due diligence?
Automation advantages in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Dozens of Control Engineering articles monthly cover automation, controls, and instrumentation, but how do these technologies provide competitive advantages in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) architectures. Is an automation investment also an IIoT investment? What are IIoT-enabling types of automation? Can existing or only new automation help with IIoT strategies?
Energy savings, power quality with ac drives
Depending on size and application, an ac motor can run with an on/off switch, a motor starter, or an ac drive to operate. While energy savings derive from ac drive use, power quality issues can arise. More application-specific software and other advances in newer drives can offer energy savings, extend motor life, decrease maintenance, and alleviate power quality issues. What questions do you need to ask? What answers do you need to hear?
Control System Integration Roundtable, Part 2: Edge computing
Integrators for control systems are developing experiences with how edge computing can be applied to existing and new applications. Edge devices put computing, communications, and analytics on the edge of the process. In newer architectures, they can serve as the machine or process controller. What can you learn from system integrator experiences?
Special sections
Inside Machines and OEMs: Features on automation and control topics are related to what happens around and inside machines, including safety, design, simulation, testing, startup, operations, monitoring and lifecycle issues.
Applied Automation: Automation and control applications, trends and case studies.
Editorial deadline: March 1
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about what CFE Services can do to help. Sponsor the salary survey or other editorial research. Ad close: April 23.)
How to create control system resiliency
Resilient design differs from fail-safe design. In recent years, race car designs absorb impacts and energy as they break apart, lowering driver risk compared to traditional designs. Beyond traditional fail-safe control system designs, can designs of today’s control system architectures, devices and systems increase resiliency?
How TSN is changing Ethernet/industrial Ethernet
Elements of time-sensitive networks have brought determinism to industrial networks for years. With the advent of IEEE time-sensitive networking (TSN), how are industrial Ethernet communication architectures changing? How does TSN work? Is it an add on or does it require something new?
Control valve advances
Materials, interfaces, communications, designs, and integrated diagnostics are increase control valve usefulness and lowering risk of failure. Are technology advances changing workflow processes with control valves?
Power system controls: Generation, transmission, distribution
While electrons in wires behave differently than water in pipes, power system controls can help with electrical generation, transmission, and distribution technologies. Electrical system reliability is more complex with deregulation as more generating sources connect to transmission and distribution systems. Point-of-use solar, wind and backup generation can feed back into local grids and make baseload generation balance and control more challenging.
Salary survey, career advice from Leaders Under 40 class of 2020
Control Engineering highlights annual salary and career research and asks last year’s Leaders Under 40 winners for advice about engineering career planning.
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation
Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
IIoT for Engineers: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and other next generation technologies influence automation, controls, instrumentation and other operations technologies.
Oil & Gas Engineering: helps maximize uptime and increase productivity through the use of industry best practices and new innovations, increase efficiency with automation and monitoring strategies, and maintain and improve safety for workers and the work environment.
* For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Note: May 28 is Engineers’ Choice Award submission deadline
IIoT Cloud
Digital Transformation
Machine and AI
Editorial deadline: April 1 (no kidding)
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about Innovations from the Industry. Ad close: May 20.)
RCEP Webcast: IIoT Edge Series – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Test and calibration: What automation and controls need to know
What do those implementing and using automation and controls need to know about testing and calibration? Of course, best practices and requirements vary by device and application, but here are some considerations.
Control design: HMI, SCADA
Designing human-machine interface (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software and hardware requires more than software, hardware and standards knowledge, though those certainly are very useful. Assessment of machine design, user abilities, skill levels, process needs, future plans and integration with other systems all factor in. Heed these tips, tricks and best practices.
Power components, power supplies for automation
Reliable power is required for reliable automation and controls. Critical processes use redundancy, including with power, to ensure a power supply failure doesn’t halt factory, processes or facilities. What are your current best practices? For uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), how long would be optimal? Does your power system design lower risk of power transients, surges, stray voltages, bad grounding and other power quality issues?
Continuing education opportunities
Controls, automation, and instrumentation are Control Engineering’s core coverage areas, but control engineering degrees are generally in third place among subscribers’ education behind electrical engineering and mechanical engineering degrees. CFE Media and Technology offers an increasing array of educational opportunities, other options are available from a variety of sources.
Special sections
Inside Machines and Robotics: Features on automation and control topics related to what happens around and inside machines and industrial robots.
Applied Automation: Automation and control applications, trends and case studies.
Motors and Drives
Editorial deadline: May 3
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about White Paper Connection. Ad close: June 18.)
RCEP Webcast – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
PLC programming best practices
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) used for many automation and control applications can be programmed with IEC 61131-3 programming languages, and, depending on vendor, other proprietary or opening available programming options. What programming operates your PLCs and will the next engineer responsible for changes hate your guts or sing your praises? Here’s why structure and documentation also matter.
I/O modules and systems for IIoT designs
Input/output (I/O) modules and systems can help with designs for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) architectures. Decentralized IIoT architectures can use intelligence built into many I/O modules and systems without need for separate controllers, saving cost and time. Here are considerations to look for in such designs.
Control components: Additive/digital manufacturing
Digital manufacturing designs readily feed machines for additive manufacturing. 3D printing has growth well beyond design and prototype, expanding in materials and size. Some part designs are more economical to produce with additive manufacturing; others can only be produced in a 3D printer because traditional machining could not make the part, optimized to save weight and materials. At the heart of it all is precision motion controls that take instructions from digital 3D plans.
Advice from the Global System Integrator Database
System integrators are core to successful automation and control projects from inception and design through simulation and training and production. When should you fill in or support a perceived skills gap with control system integration professionals at
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation: Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
IIoT for Engineers: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and other next generation technologies influence automation, controls, instrumentation and other operations technologies.
Editorial deadline: June 1
Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about Educating engineers and the deadline for 2021 Engineers’ Choice products. Ad close: July 23.)
RCEP Webcast: IIoT Edge Series – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Industrial PCs upgrades for cybersecurity
Do you see applications using unsupported operating systems with cybersecurity risks? Software that’s too old to be supported by patches increases the chance of cyberattacks. Do an inventory. Assess the needs. Upgrade the systems. It’s cheaper than extended downtime or paying a ransom. Upgrade schedules can help avoid the next set of vulnerabilities. And don’t forget what’s in inventory and backups.
Achieve data integrity with electronic batch records
Certain regulated industries have benefited from data integrity inherent in electronic batch record requirements for years. While requirements have spread to more industries, advantages exist for industries that don’t require Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 11 electronic records and electronic signatures. Here’s what you need to know, and advantages you may find with this data discipline.
Wireless – 5G communications – application and provider readiness
Multiple 5G communications technologies are under development with standards organizations. What is the status for each part of the standard? What industrial applications are benefitting and will see benefits? What’s the level of operational technology readiness for supporting hardware, software and systems?
How to apply collaborative robotics
Robots with speed and force limits that can operate in an area with humans present have come to be known as collaborative robots. Risk assessments are still needed; even a robot moving slowly could cause great harm with a cutter or welder on the effector. How should collaborative robots be applied or re-applied given the technology’s current state? What are common mistakes to avoid? Are there applications these robots should not be doing?
Applying automation: How-to guide for the best results
What applications should be automated and which should not? As technologies have become more flexible and easier to re-program, measures have changed. With more talent retiring, is the new generation of plant floor talent more or less likely to embrace automation? Get practical advice for applying automation.
Special sections
Inside Machines and OEMs: Features on automation and control topics are related to what happens around and inside machines, including safety, design, simulation, testing, startup, operations, monitoring and lifecycle issues.
Applied Automation: Automation and control applications, trends and case studies.
IIoT Cloud
Digital Transformation
Machine and AI
Editorial deadline: July 1
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about promoting Engineering Leaders Under 40. Ad close: Aug. 19.)
RCEP Webcast*
Advanced process controls: Small-scale closed-loop control in unexpected places
Smaller-scale closed-loop control occurs with stand-alone loop controllers, in a wide variety of applications, showing benefits of advanced process control (APC) well beyond large process control systems. Are there special considerations to using stand-alone loop controllers? Are there system integration best practices when connecting sensors to the controller to actuators to make a small control system?
Finding the return on investment in smart manufacturing, digital transformation
Smart manufacturing and digital transformation continue to gain traction in factories, process facilities and other applications. Sometimes a project champion has support for technology implementation for other reasons, but creating justification and quantifying return on investment or time to value remains important for most implementations. Look at this advice before going ahead.
Industry 4.0: augmented reality and other practical applications
Augmented reality (AR) is being used for remote monitoring, troubleshooting, repairs and training, helping to fill the skills gap as more experts retire and often-capable though less experiences engineers step in. How does AR software appeal to younger and more seasoned engineers alike? Will AR enable plants to keep operating rather than shut down for lack of talent?
Servo motor control
Servo motors can be controlled multiple ways. Options include stand-alone servo drives, integrated servo motors and drives, and control using a stand-alone controller, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs), industrial PCs (IPCs), programmable automation controllers (PACs), or board-level control. How should machine builders or others using servo motors look at servo motor control for best application results?
Energy efficiency with smart industrial networks
Industrial Ethernet may offer energy efficiency capabilities. How are those protocols being implemented? Separately, industrial Ethernet is widening efforts and may save resources by communicating through existing two-wired industrial communications infrastructure. Advanced physical layer (APL) for industrial Ethernet consists of IEEE P802.3cg 10Mbits single twisted pair long reach Ethernet and power on single twisted pair and an intrinsically safe frontend from the APL Industry Partners R&D project. Related APL Ethernet infrastructure and field devices are expected this year.
Engineering Leaders Under 40 class of 2021 (June deadline)
The Engineering Leaders Under 40 program recognizes manufacturing professionals under the age of 40 making a significant contribution to a plant’s success, and to the control engineering and/or plant engineering professions. The goal of the Engineering Leaders Under 40 program is to call attention to successful young engineers in manufacturing and highlight the next generation of manufacturing professionals.
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation: Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
Oil & Gas Engineering: helps maximize uptime and increase productivity through the use of industry best practices and new innovations, increase efficiency with automation and monitoring strategies, and maintain and improve safety for workers and the work environment.
Motors and Drives
* For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Editorial deadline: Aug. 2
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about White Paper Connection. Promote your Engineers’ Choice Awards finalists. Ad close: Sept. 17.)
RCEP Webcast: IIoT Edge Series – For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Machine control migration
Upgrading or migrating controls and automation in machines can take multiple paths. The machine vendor can provide that service. System integrators can help. End users may tackle the upgrade themselves. Goals may include safety, reliability or cybersecurity improvements, increased throughput, or easier machine operations as the skill gap widens. What questions do you need to ask when considering a machine control migration or upgrade?
Automation design tips: Embedded controls
Embedded controls can happen at the chip level or board level or by putting a stand-along controller into a machine or line. Learn about various industrial-grade board-level form factors, where and how they’re being used, and benefits they provide. Industrially hardened open-source board-level devices, such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino controllers, also are being in some applications.
SCADA platforms
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) can serve as a human-machine interface or be core to the control architecture, linking to or providing manufacturing execution system (MES) or manufacturing operations management (MOM) systems functionality. Are you aware of new SCADA platform capabilities and have you looked where using SCADA software might be the preferred option and why that is?
Alarm management, integration in multiple control systems
Alarms, so many alarms. It’s like the children’s story about crying “Wolf!” Who knows what to believe anymore, when alarm management has turned to chaos, even across multiple systems? Don’t consider a control system migration or upgrade without serious consideration to alarm architecture. And, if between upgrades, what can be done if your operators are serving the alarms, rather than alarms serving the operators and process?
Energy efficiency: Improving efficiency using predictive control
Predictive control algorithms can increase energy efficiency in many applications. Data from operations and from automation and equipment vendors can be used to anticipate and coordinate needs beyond each workcell, increasing overall workflow efficiencies. Motors, drives, and motion control can help.
Short circuit current rating for control panels and motor control panels
Control panels and motor control panels require attention to short circuit current rating (SCCR) requirements. Have you done the calculations correctly? Are you sure?
Automation System Integration Roundtable, Part 3: Packaging
Integration of automation and controls with the packaging portion of operations remains challenging when machine vendors may or may not feel a need to use industry accepted standards and interfaces. Listen to system integrators for advice and best practices for packaging integration.
Special sections, supplements
Inside Machines and Robotics: Features on automation and control topics related to what happens around and inside machines and industrial robots.
Applied Automation: Automation and control applications, trends and case studies.
Editorial deadline: Sept. 1
(Value-added integrated programs: Case studies. Promote your Engineers’ Choice Awards finalists. contact your sales representative. Ad close: Nov. 17. Note: For GSIR supplement, see below, ad close is Nov. 4.)
– For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
Instrumentation: Pressure transmitter calibration, 4-20 mA
Newer pressure sensors and pressure transmitters require less or no calibration. For older devices are you calibrating according to schedule or according to need? Are you calibrating devices unnecessarily or prematurely? Can pressure transmitters tell you when they need calibration. What calibration best practices can save time and resources?
Mobile HMI: Bring your device to work
Has your employer asked you to access work-related web-based human-machine interface software on your smartphone or tablet or laptop? Are you using your device for monitoring or control or some other work-based application? Are you increasing risk for your employer or yourself as a result? Examine advantages and disadvantages of BYO device and look at precautions that should be in place.
Cloud, edge and machine control integration
Plant floor machines and other automation are at the edge of the process, but may not be enabled to take advantage of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) capabilities such as cloud-based application software to enhance performance. Learn how edge devices are helping to integrate legacy machines with more advanced capabilities available in the cloud. It’s may not be as difficult as you think to make such upgrades.
Drives: Technology advances, application return on investment (ROI)
If your motor drives are nearing end of life, technology advances specific to your variable speed application may improve return on investment (ROI) compared to last time around. If you’re not using variable frequency drives (VFDs), consider these advantages for your next implementation. ROI includes more than just energy savings.
Control system integration with machine learning, artificial intelligence
What are the “killer apps” for enhancing productivity and throughput while lowering lifecycle costs? You’ve heard about machine learning and artificial intelligence software (ML/AI), but what can these next-generation optimization strategies offer your control system applications and how? How much integration is required? What’s the return on investment? Can operators benefit or does ML/AI require a data scientist on staff?
Integrating vibration analysis devices with pumps, motors, compressors
Pumps, motors, and compressors are common application for vibration analysis devices. What range of technologies are available? How are they being applied? What benefits do they bring? Can wireless vibration sensors linked to analytic software help critical and other applications avoid unscheduled downtime and avoid unnecessary scheduled maintenance?
Special sections
Inside Process and Instrumentation: Feature articles in this section focus on improving process controls, instrumentation, process sensing and actuation (control valves, pumps, positioners, etc.)
Inside Machines and OEMs: Features on automation and control topics are related to what happens around and inside machines, including safety, design, simulation, testing, startup, operations, monitoring and lifecycle issues.
IIoT for Engineers: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and other next generation technologies influence automation, controls, instrumentation and other operations technologies.
Oil & Gas Engineering: helps maximize uptime and increase productivity through the use of industry best practices and new innovations, increase efficiency with automation and monitoring strategies, and maintain and improve safety for workers and the work environment.
with Control Engineering and Plant Engineering
Editorial deadline: July 16
(Value-added integrated programs: contact your sales representative about promoting system integrators to the Control Engineering and Plant Engineering audiences. Ad close is Nov. 4.)
- Global System Integrator Report supplement
- System Integrator Company Profiles
- System Integrator of the Year for 2022 (July deadline)
- System Integrator Giants 2022 (August deadline)
- Advice from system integrators
- How to find a system integrator
- System integration applications
- Global System Integrator Database; click at the top of
* For Special Report/research/webcast/EDU training/eBook details, sponsorship opportunities go to the 2021 Interactive Media Kit,
eBooks (November and December)
IIoT Cloud
Digital Transformation
Machine and AI
Motors and Drives (December)