3Q01 industrial laser shipments down 37%

McLean, Va.-Shipments of industrial laser equipment and systems for North America and U.S. exports for 2001's third quarter were down 37% from the year before to $105.2 million, according to a recent report by the Laser System Product Group (LSPG) of the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT).

McLean, Va.- Shipments of industrial laser equipment and systems for North America and U.S. exports for 2001’s third quarter were down 37% from the year before to $105.2 million, according to a recent report by the Laser System Product Group (LSPG) of the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT). Laser shipments on North America by the 45 companies reporting to LSPG’s statistical program totaled $71.2 million, while exports totaled $34 million.

LSPG’s report found that CO 2 laser shipments in 3Q01 were down 30% from the year before. Nd:YAG laser shipments declined 45% during the same period. The report adds that cutting applications were the largest source of industrial laser activity in 3Q01, accounting for 45% of all shipments.

In addition, 50% of all industrial lasers shipped for the year were CO 2 and more than 80 of total shipments were configured as laser systems, which is a laser source and workstation.

‘The key to any economic revival will be a friendlier environment for capital investment. The productivity brought to the manufacturing floor by lasers and other manufacturing technology help produce seven years of robust economic growth,’ says Dave Plourde, LSPG’s chairman. ‘Washington needs to demonstrate leadership and create long-term investment incentives to boost productivity and increase American workers’ value.’