Internet of Things alliance group launched

Kepware's IoT Alliance program is composed of a strategic network of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions providers that will also focus on shaping the direction of the industry through smart technology, thought leadership, and marketing initiatives.

By Kepware Technologies December 15, 2015

Kepware’s IoT Alliance program is composed of a strategic network of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions providers that are committed to growing the global IoT market potential. The group will also focus on shaping the direction of the industry through smart technology, thought leadership, and marketing initiatives. Alliance members will have access to proprietary technology from Kepware that enables their respective solutions to access industrial data.

The founding members participating in the IoT Alliance include Aizoon, Altizon, DeviceLynk, Falkonry, Informatica, IOT Technology Solutions, mnubo, Perseus, Splunk, and ThingWorx. The IoT Alliance has a connected network of more than 40 technology partners, 80 system integrators, and 90 Kepware resellers operating in more than 100 countries. Establishing relationships between alliance members and existing partners is designed to help members enter new markets and opportunities. 

Kepware Technologies 

– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering industrial networking stories.