Advanced physical layer project for Ethernet completed
Specifications internationally standardized, conformance test plans implemented, first products released
Ethernet/IP enhanced to integrate IO-Link devices
ODVA has published enhancements to The EtherNet/IP Specification, which outline how to integrate devices built to the IO-Link Communication Standard into CIP architectures
Standards group names president, executive director
ODVA's board of directors announced Dr. Al Beydoun, the vice president of technology and standards, appointed as president and executive director of ODVA.
Standards for industrial cloud interface being developed
ODVA announced at Hannover Messe their intention to develop a common industrial cloud interface, which will encompass two elements for the industrial cloud: a cloud gateway and an application program interface (API) for transporting data.
Specification volume dedicated to cyber security announced
ODVA announced the pending publication of a new volume in its specifications titled CIP Security and will be initially applicable to EtherNet/IP.
Enhancements planned in 2016 for EtherNet/IP specification
ODVA’s technical work includes the adaptation of time sensitive networking along with cybersecurity, application data models and communication integration standards.
CIP Safety standard to include safe motion applications
ODVA's CIP Safety Specification will include services for safe motion applications that will allow users to deploy networked motion systems using Ethernet/IP and SERCOS III.
ODVA selects organization leadership for 2012-2013
The ODVA Board of Directors selections were made during the ODVA annual meetings in October. Cyril Perducat has been appointed as chairman of the board for the 2012-2013 term. ODVA is the governing organization for EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet, ControlNet, and other network tools based on the ODVA Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).