Tracy J. Coates P.E.
HMI for stand-alone or integrated OEM applications
Human machine interface (HMI) software used in original equipment manufacturer (OEM) applications needs to integrate readily with the control function, either through a hardwired relay-based system, a custom electronics system, or a dedicated programmable logic controller (PLC). Any of these control approaches can be linked to a light and pushbutton interface or a packaged electronic HMI system.
Get technical math support and plenty of help to go with it
Implementation and support of a control system often may require solving a variety of mathematical functions. These functions can range from simple arithmetic and unit-conversion problems to more complex ones, such as determining the best-fit equation for a set of data. Typical use of these math functions includes incorporation of results in a program; duplication of the method with a program (...
Discrete process emulation system finds equipment, cycle constraints
Tracy J. Coates P.E., consulting editor, reviews Version 9.1 of the software operating under Microsoft Windows 98. AutoMod is designed to model, analyze, and develop discrete-event systems, including automated material handling systems (AMHS)
Package builds web pages for process monitoring
Part of defining a complete control system includes identifying how different users must interact with it. Interaction types to be considered range from data only to full graphical interface and from monitor only to full supervisory control. Other facets in this decision process are the type of system used and the method of providing information to that platform.
Package aids in total system data design
When it comes time to define the requirements for a control system, control engineers often find many options available to assist with this function. This is in part the result of the varied types of documentation needed for different phases of the design and implementation process, as well as the range of automation applications.
Packaged model-based control system
In most process applications the user must implement regulatory control loops to maintain the process at a specified state. These loops most often consist of an analog input value (temperature, pressure, etc.), a control function, and then an analog output to bring it to the desired state. The most common control function in use today is the PID loop or Proportional-Integral-Derivative c...
Package supports simple DDE links from PLC to spreadsheet
A recurring need in process analysis is using data manipulation and statistical capabilities of spreadsheet packages on process data values. This includes charting, calculation of derived parameters, material balance tracking, or other functions. In any of these cases the ability to collect then import data from a controller into a spreadsheet is the preferred method in place of manual da...