Control Engineering technology webcasts now available

Oak Brook, Ill. - Four Control Engineering technology webcasts are now archived and available for free viewing.

Oak Brook, Ill. Four Control Engineering technology webcasts are now archived and available for free viewing. The information, originally presented at the recent SupplyChainLinkExpo , is accessible through Control Engineering Online’s webcast page .

Topics covered include:

  • The Use of Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management , with W. James McNerney Jr., CEO, 3M Co., and Control Engineering’s Dave Harrold.

  • Lifecycle Costs: Automation and the Supply Chain , with John Moore, Vice President and General Manager for Supply Chain & Enterprise Software, ARC; and Control Engineering’s Mark Hoske.

  • Ethernet and Industrial Networks ; a roundtable with ControlNet/ODVA, Fieldbus Foundation, and Profibus Trade Organization; moderated by Control Engineering. Internet-based Manufacturing: The Next Generation I/O, with Control Engineering’s Gary Mintchell and Jane Gerold. Sponsored by Opto 22.

A number of other presentations are also available on the SupplyChainLinkExpo web site. The material will be archived until mid-January 2002.