Oak Brook, Ill. - Four Control Engineering technology webcasts are now archived and available for free viewing.
Oak Brook, Ill. – Four Control Engineering technology webcasts are now archived and available for free viewing. The information, originally presented at the recent SupplyChainLinkExpo , is accessible through Control Engineering Online’s webcast page .
Topics covered include:
The Use of Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management , with W. James McNerney Jr., CEO, 3M Co., and Control Engineering’s Dave Harrold.
Lifecycle Costs: Automation and the Supply Chain , with John Moore, Vice President and General Manager for Supply Chain & Enterprise Software, ARC; and Control Engineering’s Mark Hoske.
Ethernet and Industrial Networks ; a roundtable with ControlNet/ODVA, Fieldbus Foundation, and Profibus Trade Organization; moderated by Control Engineering. Internet-based Manufacturing: The Next Generation I/O, with Control Engineering’s Gary Mintchell and Jane Gerold. Sponsored by Opto 22.
A number of other presentations are also available on the SupplyChainLinkExpo web site. The material will be archived until mid-January 2002.