EC: Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter

Network integration – Wireless products: The Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter provides constant visibility and accurate measurement of critical steam traps without the effort of a manual inspection, enabling plants to dramatically decrease steam trap failures and reduce fuel costs by 10% to 20% each year, according to Emerson Process Management, Rosemount division. This is a Control Engineering 2012 Engineers’ Choice award winner.

The Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter provides constant visibility and accurate measurement of critical steam traps without the effort of a manual inspection, enabling plants to dramatically decrease steam trap failures and reduce fuel costs by 10% to 20% each year, according to Emerson Process Management. Steam production is a significant operating expense for processing plants. About 20% of the steam leaving a boiler is lost through failing steam traps. Most plants test traps once per year with a visual inspection or hand-held device designed to measure temperature or ultrasonic noise caused by a blockage, but these methods can be imprecise and expensive. Annual testing means that leaks go undetected for months. Using the Rosemount 708, process plants can continually monitor critical steam traps and address failures before they happen. By combining temperature measurement with acoustic listening, the Rosemount 708 provides continuous visibility to steam trap state (normal, stuck closed, or stuck open.)

A Petrochemical Plant has 8,000-10,000 steam traps; 5% of these traps will fail each year and the estimated fuel loss per failed trap is over $10,400. Preventing just 400 trap failures using the Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter can save a plant over $4.1 million in fuel loss per year. In addition to energy savings, the Rosemount 708 eliminates time-consuming manual inspections and the cost of rented equipment.  The Rosemount 708 system is easy, fast, and flexible to install; no training is required. The devices are non-intrusive and mounted using supplied stainless steel mounting bands, with no need to cut into pipes. The small, lightweight-engineered polymer housing means that it can be placed anywhere, even in tight spots, locations with harsh environmental conditions, or hazardous areas. And, with a 10-year battery life and engineered polymer housing that is intrinsically safe, weatherproof, and chemically resistant, the Rosemount 708 needs minimal attention and maintenance.

Emerson Process Management, Rosemount division

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