How flexible I/O helps process industries, cuts downtime, improves ROI

Webcast on flexible input/output (I/O) platforms explains how to increase flexibility while lowering costs and improving reliability.


Learning Objectives

  • Understand differences between traditional I/O platforms and universal I/O platform.
  • Explore how new generation high availability I/O platforms reduce downtime and bring flexibility to project schedules and ease delivery complexities with a distributed design.

I/O platform insights

  • Traditional input/output (I/O) platforms and universal I/O platform differ in how they are designed, set up, used and updated.
  • Next-generation high availability I/O platforms reduce downtime and bring flexibility to project schedules and ease delivery complexities with a distributed design.

Challenges of today’s process automation systems include system flexibility, tight project schedules and reductions in maintenance budgets, according to Armand Prezioso, senior global product manager, and Chris Stearns, product manager PlantPAx DCS, both from Rockwell Automation. New generation high availability input/output (I/O) platforms can help to reduce downtime and meet the demand for flexibility in project schedules and delivery complexities. By coupling a modern distributed control system (DCS) with flexible and configurable I/O platforms, it’s possible to reduce downtime, increase flexibility, simplify maintenance and optimize lifecycle costs, said Prezioso and Stearns in an Aug. 31 Control Engineering webcast, “Augmenting DCS Capabilities with Universal I/O.”

Armand Prezioso, senior global product manager, and Chris Stearns, product manager PlantPAx DCS, both from Rockwell Automation, said new flexible, software-configurable I/O platforms make it possible to reduce downtime, increase flexibility, simplify maintenance and optimize lifecycle costs, in an Aug. 31 Control Engineering webcast, “Augmenting DCS Capabilities with Universal I/O.” Courtesy: Rockwell Automation
Armand Prezioso, senior global product manager, and Chris Stearns, product manager PlantPAx DCS, both from Rockwell Automation, said new flexible, software-configurable I/O platforms make it possible to reduce downtime, increase flexibility, simplify maintenance and optimize lifecycle costs, in an Aug. 31 Control Engineering webcast, “Augmenting DCS Capabilities with Universal I/O.” Courtesy: Rockwell Automation

Prezioso and Stearns explained how a universal I/O platform can be effectively implemented in distributed field enclosures, resulting in minimized lifecycle costs, optimized footprints and maximized return on process assets. The webcast, archived until Aug. 31, 2024, provides more details about:

  • Differences between traditional I/O platforms and a universal I/O platform.

  • How new generation high availability I/O platforms reduce downtime and bring flexibility to project schedules and ease delivery complexities.

  • Ways minimize lifecycle costs, optimize footprints and maximize return on investments by using a flexible I/O platform, implemented in distributed field enclosures.

Discover how to deliver projects faster and reap lifecycle benefits with a Rockwell Automation PlantPAx system with the FlexHA 5000 I/O platform from Rockwell Automation. Courtesy: Rockwell Automation
Discover how to deliver projects faster and reap lifecycle benefits with a Rockwell Automation PlantPAx system with the FlexHA 5000 I/O platform from Rockwell Automation. Courtesy: Rockwell Automation

– Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager and webcast moderator, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, [email protected].

KEYWORDS: Webcast on I/O, I/O system, flexible I/O platform


Do you understand capabilities of next-generation I/O platforms?


Written by

Armand Prezioso and Chris Stearns

Armand Prezioso, senior global product manager, and Chris Stearns, product manager PlantPAx DCS, both from Rockwell Automation