PCI serial card allows up to 460.8 Kbps

San Diego, Calif.—Two PCI serial communication cards, PCI-ICM-1S (500 V opto isolated) and PCI-COM-1S (non-isolated), support RS-422 and RS-485 balanced-mode transmission/reception and provide automatic control of RS-485 drivers for Microsoft Windows systems. Onboard jumpers allow selection of data rate from 115.

San Diego, Calif. —Two PCI serial communication cards, PCI-ICM-1S (500 V opto isolated) and PCI-COM-1S (non-isolated), support RS-422 and RS-485 balanced-mode transmission/reception and provide automatic control of RS-485 drivers for Microsoft Windows systems. Onboard jumpers allow selection of data rate from 115.2 to 460.8 Kbps. Buffered asynchronous communications elements prevent data loss in multitasking systems, while providing compatibility with the original serial port. www.accesioproducts.com

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