Were you out last week? Miss something? Here are Control Engineering’s five most-clicked articles from last week, May 5-11, including articles about things noncontrol people should know about control engineers, the ending of Microsoft Windows XP support, smart I/O systems v. fieldbus networks, and the engineering job market.

1. 7 things noncontrol people should know about control engineers
A few basic differences between control engineers and others in the plant can hinder progress toward optimization. Start a conversation to improve communications and controls. See examples and career advice. Send a link to these seven things other people should know about control engineers, so they understand.
2. Goodbye Windows XP; Hello IsXP?
Microsoft Windows XP support ends April 8. What happens April 9? Three things to remember. NEW: Updated with answers to reader feedback on April 14.
3. Smart I/O systems vs. fieldbus networks
New configurable I/O systems bring greater flexibility to conventional instrumentation. How do they stand up to fieldbus networking for capabilities and convenience?
4. One strategy for the passing of Windows XP
Cyber security expert offers advice for finding one silver lining in the passing of support for Microsoft Windows XP. It might get companies to face larger realities.
5. It is an engineer’s job market
Career Update: Demographic shifts and talent shortages put engineers in the driver’s seat. This advice will help maximize your personal potential as an engineering resource.
The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on controleng.com, May 5-11, for articles published within the last two months.
– Jessica DuBois-Maahs, associate content manager, CFE Media, [email protected].