New company launches self-learn software for process control

New self-learning software packages for industrial automation and process control, called LearnWARE, are being introduced in the U.K. by a new company called "" The software was originally developed by software and training consultants P&L Automatik (Hassleholm, Sweden), which claims it registered 3,800 new users in Scandinavia in 1997.

By Staff June 1, 1998

New self-learning software packages for industrial automation and process control, called LearnWARE, are being introduced in the U.K. by a new company called “” The software was originally developed by software and training consultants P&L Automatik (Hassleholm, Sweden), which claims it registered 3,800 new users in Scandinavia in 1997. The first products are Automation 2000 and Process Control 2000. Operating in a Microsoft Windows environment, the packages offer individual guidance, simulation, and animation. Automation 2000 lets students examine a manufacturing plant and design PLC control applications. Process Control 2000 covers measurement and control, closed loop, and calibration and tuning. Each package provides about 30 hours of training.