Pilz is the exclusive supplier of decentralized I/O periphery with protection type IP20 to automotive manufacturer BMW. The customized, certified Profinet interface allows the decentralized I/O system PSSuniversal to be integrated seamlessly and safely into existing or new plant structures, Pilz says.
Pilz is to be the exclusive supplier of decentralized I/O periphery with protection type IP20 to automotive manufacturer BMW. The automotive group will use the PSSuniversal decentralized I/O system worldwide, Pilz said. A prerequisite was development of a new head module with Profinet interface, achieved with Pilz-BMW cooperation, according to the announcement.
The customized, certified Profinet interface allows the decentralized I/O system PSSuniversal to be integrated seamlessly and safely into existing or new plant structures. "We regard the openness of control solutions not just in terms of investment protection. We are really keen to give users the chance to choose the solution that best suits their project," explained Albrecht Feucht, from Pilz key account automotive.
Open systems stimulate competition : Under the scope of AIDA (Automotive Initiative of German Domestic Automobile Manufacturers), German automotive manufacturers have opted to use Profinet as a standardized communication medium, but AIDA has also stated that competition needs to be guaranteed where the connected control solution is concerned, according to Pilz.
Pilz said BMW’s choice was preceded by a comprehensive evaluation of the market and all available products. Criteria for the decision included openness toward Profinet, cost effectiveness, and ability to link standard control functions and safety functions.
System is easy to handle : The integrated safety principle of Pilz PSSuniversal is a key distinguishing feature. On the control system, only the head module represents safety-related subscribers, so users only need to make the necessary settings at this central point without need to assign sub-addresses. All safety-related addresses on the Profinet Master, Pilz said, can be put to optimal use, which reduces administrative work in assigning safe address ranges. The design also reduces costs, since less hardware is needed because the safety technology is concentrated exclusively in the head module.
Initial projects with the decentralized I/O system Pilz PSSuniversal with Profinet connection will be implemented in BMW’s plants in Regensburg, Munich and Leipzig, with global applications to follow. www.pilzusa.com
Also read:
– Integrated Safety: Has its Time Arrived?
– Safety: A Tale of 2 Applications .
– Edited by Mark T. Hoske, editor in chief, Control Engineering , www.controleng.com.