China has adopted the FDT 2.0 specification as their national standard to help the country to standardize communication and configuration interfaces between field devices and host systems, and is expected to be a key tool for intelligent manufacturing center integration.
FDT Group today announced a cooperative initiative undertaken by China’s National TC124 On Industrial Process Measurement, Control and Automation of SAC (TC124/SAC); Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute, P.R. China (ITEI); China Instrument Manufacturer Association (CIMA); Southwest University; and the FDT Professional Committee has resulted in a national standard for device integration based on FDT 2.0 technology.
The Chinese GB/T 29618-2017 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification incorporates the latest technology enhancements by the FDT Group. The updated standard was announced at a joint organizational meeting in Beijing, China.
The FDT 2.0 specification, employing a future-proof architecture based on Microsoft .NET technology, is designed to provide all properties needed by modern software right up to web- and client/server-based systems. Release of the GB/T 29618-2017 standard incorporating FDT 2.0 will better guide the integration and application of various field buses and devices, and help promote the widespread implementation of standards-based automation solutions.
According to Tian Zhaoying, vice director of the 2nd Industry Department, Standardization Administration, People’s Republic of China (SAP), standardization is an important requirement for intelligent manufacturing.
"The purpose of our ongoing efforts is to enable the effective implementation of advanced industrial standards while promoting social and economic development within China," he said. "The Chinese FDT Professional Committee and ITEI actively assisted the development of FDT so this advanced technology could be widely implemented by our country’s manufacturing community."
Mei Ke, vice president of ITEI, believes the updated FDT 2.0 specification will meet current requirements for standardizing communication and configuration interfaces between field devices and host systems, and is a key tool for the integration of intelligent manufacturing centers.
Li Yueguang, vice president of CIMA, also noted the technical advantages of FDT 2.0 in system integration and interconnection, and expressed hope that domestic enterprises in China would quickly integrate compliant solutions as part of their smart manufacturing strategies.
FDT Group
– Edited from an FDT Group press release by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering IIoT and Industrie 4.0 stories.