Machine & Embedded Control - CNCs, board-level products: The DT7837 is a high accuracy dynamic signal acquisition module for noise, vibration, and acoustic measurements with a Cortex-A8 1 GHz ARM processor for use in embedded applications. This is a Control Engineering 2016 Engineers’ Choice Honorable Mention.

Data Translation announces their first SOM, ARM-based vibration measurement module that provides an embedded solution for vibration applications using ARM and Linux. Free source code is provided that can be modified and used without any restrictions. Further examples show how to develop an embedded application for any specific purpose using various open-source libraries and utilities.
The highly accurate front-end design of the DT7837 allows simultaneous measurement of four 24-bit IEPE sensor inputs at a sampling rate of 102.4 kS/s. The module is ideal for precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have a large dynamic range. Common applications include audio, acoustic, and vibration testing.
Additionally, the DT7837 is fully equipped to do many vibration tasks by including a 24-bit stimulus output, tachometer, general-purpose Digital I/O, external trigger functions, and counter/timers. These functions are supported by a complete set of well-documented APIs that enable development of an embedded application using the AD, DA, counter timers, tachometer and other on-board I/O.
The ARM block processor is the TI AM335x ARM Cortex-A8, including BBB functions, FPGA, memory and support peripherals as well as interfaces for a USB host and client, Ethernet, power, and SD card. The module is ideal running open-source Linux using the TI AM335x SDK Essentials Version 7.0. The DT7837 runs Linux 3.12 with customer loadable kernel modules, LKM, to expose the onboard hardware to Linux user space applications via virtual file interfaces.
Data Translation Inc.,