Willoughby Hills, O. —Paragon ShopDoctor Virtual Library can now bring live data to its plant-wide network that includes more than 150 types of document formats. Live data can come from any DDE server application such as RSLinx or Excel. It can also link real-time PLC data and HMI tags to MS Word documents, spreadsheets, flowcharts, drawings, and pictures.
Willoughby Hills, O. —Paragon ShopDoctor Virtual Library can now bring live data to its plant-wide network that includes more than 150 types of document formats. Live data can come from any DDE server application such as RSLinx or Excel. It can also link real-time PLC data and HMI tags to MS Word documents, spreadsheets, flowcharts, drawings, and pictures. And by supporting Rockwell Software’s RSPortal, this same functionality is available using TCP/IP.
Paragon Technologies Inc.