Microchip Technology's USB2 Controller Hub allows developers to configure designs without external memory and are able to communuicate with applications over multiple protocols.

Microchip Technology’s USB2 Controller Hub provides programmability, enabling PC and mobile device developers to configure their designs without external memory. Additionally, they support both USB2 and USB High Speed Interchip (HSIC) connectivity, maximum battery life via low-power modes such as Link Power Management (LPM), and the ability to replace wall chargers with advanced battery charging modes, such as BC1.2, Apple, SE1 and China charging. For applications that need to communicate over multiple protocols, these UCH2s feature direct I/O bridging to I2C, SPI, UART and general-purpose I/O. They also have the flexibility to support the behaviors of multiple operating systems, such as vendor-specific messaging and FlexConnect for simple port reversals.
Microchip Technology, Inc.
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