Time-sensitive networking application profile standards to be developed

The OPC Foundation announced the launch of its new setup to identify OPC UA and related TSN-harmonization needs and to extend standards and specifications and provide vendor-independent end-to-end interoperability into field level devices for all relevant industry automation use-cases.

The OPC Foundation announced the launch of its new setup to identify OPC UA and related TSN-harmonization needs and to extend OPC Foundation standards and specifications. The goal of this initiative is to deliver an open, cohesive approach to implement OPC UA including TSN and associated application profiles.

This is intended to advance the OPC Foundation providing vendor-independent end-to-end interoperability into field level devices for all relevant industry automation use-cases. The OPC Foundation vision of becoming the worldwide industrial interoperability standard is advanced by integrating field devices and the shop floor.

A new set of working groups will identify, manage, and standardize the OPC UA relevant topics focused on industrial automation including:

  • Harmonization and standardization of application profiles such as input/output (IO), motion control, safety, system redundancy
  • Standardization of OPC UA information models for field level devices in offline device description and online diagnostics
  • Mapping of OPC UA application profiles related to real-time operations on ethernet networks including TSN
  • Definition of certification procedures.

The working groups will closely align with the TSN Profile for Industrial Automation (TSN-IA-Profile) which will be standardized by the IEC/IEEE 60802 standardization group. This will help ensure that a single, converged TSN network approach is maintained so that OPC UA can share one common multi-vendor TSN network infrastructure together with other applications. This initiative integrates well with existing joint working groups engaged in ongoing companion specification such as description of machines.

OPC Foundation


– Edited from an OPC Foundation press release by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering industrial networking stories.