Articles about COVID-19 effects on engineering jobs and job market, the 2020 career and salary survey, data flow, and more were Control Engineering’s five most clicked articles from May 18-24, 2020. Miss something? You can catch up here.

The top 5 most read articles online, from May 18-24 for Control Engineering covered COVID-19 effects on the engineering job market, the 2020 career and salary survey, data flow and more. Links to each article below.
1. How COVID-19 is changing the engineering jobs, jobs market
Taking control in an uncontrolled time: Leaders share lessons from the industrial automation, controls, and manufacturing industries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2020
Career update: Many subscribers work in critical industries; half of non-salary compensation relies on profits, some changed by COVID-19. Lack of skilled workers continues to be the top threat to manufacturing for the survey period ending March 16, before more recent COVID-19 impacts.
3. Grant awarded to track COVID-19 in wastewater treatment plants
A North Carolina State University-led team of researchers has received a grant from the National Science Foundation to monitor wastewater from four U.S. cities for indicators of COVID-19.
4. Data flow is no longer hierarchical
Can industrial edge computing fit into the Purdue model?
5. Colleges and universities doing their part during the COVID-19 pandemic
Colleges and universities have been helping out during the COVID-19 pandemic with research, assisting local hospitals and more.
The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, May 18- May 24, for articles published within the last two months.
Keagan Gay, digital media & production coordinator, CFE Media, [email protected].