Articles about the Engineers' Choice finalists, SCADA and solar energy, 2018 technology trends, PID controllers, and process valve safety were Control Engineering’s five most clicked articles from November 27 to December 3. Miss something? You can catch up here.
The top 5 most read articles online, from Nov. 27 to Dec. 3 for Control Engineering, covered the Engineers’ Choice finalists, SCADA and solar energy, 2018 technology trends, PID controllers, and process valve safety. Links to each article below.
1. Vote now for 2018 Engineers’ Choice Finalists
The official ballot is open for voting for Control Engineering North American print and digital edition subscribers, for a limited time. Cast your vote using CFE Media’s New Products for Engineers platform at
2. Powering gas distribution SCADA with the sun
A multi-phase project led to a customized, cost-effective, reliable solar-powered automated gas distribution regulator monitoring system from Huffman Engineering, which improved the safety of Nebraska’s Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD) gas system.
3. Five technology trends for 2018
With advancements in automation, industries need to stay on top of the challenges ahead.
4. Not all PID controllers are the same
Variations in the proportional, integral, derivative (PID) algorithm from one controller to the next can be confusing. Here are considerations when applying PID to your next implementation.
5. Using a PHA for process valve safety
A detailed process hazard analysis (PHA) has to examine the human factors involved and identify, evaluate, and control potential hazards to prevent future process valve incidents from occurring.
The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, November 27 to December 3, for articles published within the last two months.
Chris Vavra, production editor, CFE Media, [email protected].