Our top 5 pieces from December 2023 covered bringing SOC/SOAR standards to OT, mobile device management and more.

Is there a better way to spend the holidays than by reading (and listening to) cybersecurity content? Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse’s top 5 articles from December 2023 helped keep our audience entertained during a busy holiday season. Our top pieces covered bringing SOC/SOAR standards to operational technology (OT), mobile device management, the value of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity and more. Here is our top-performing content from the past month.
1. Podcast Ep. 37: Luis Narvaez on bringing SOAR/SOC to OT
By Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, CFE Media and Technology
In OT, things that are standard to IT — such as cybersecurity SOAR processes and SOC — are less prevalent. Bringing SOAR and SOC standards to OT systems is critical as industrial cyberattacks increase in frequency and severity. On this podcast, we talked to Luis Narvaez of Siemens about how SOAR and SOC standards can help protect OT devices and networks.
2. Podcast Ep. 38: Xavier Mesrobian on the Microsoft DCOM hardening patch
By Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, CFE Media and Technology
Since March 2023, many systems engineers have been struggling with the Microsoft DCOM hardening patch. How important is it? Does it really need to be installed? What’s the least disruptive way to address it? On this podcast, Xavier Mesrobian of Skkynet Cloud Systems walked listeners through everything they need to know about the patch. Sponsored by: Skkynet
3. Podcast Ep. 39: Dom Lombardi on Mobile Device Management
By Gary Cohen and Tyler Wall, CFE Media and Technology
As more people work from home and use their own devices, the threat landscape is increasing exponentially. Your networks should never go down because someone wants to watch their personal Netflix account. On this podcast, Dom Lombardi of Kandji discussed why mobile device management is necessary, why security needs to understand business goals and how to move slow to go fast.
4. Bridging the Gap Series: The strengths and weaknesses of AI in cybersecurity
By Gary Cohen, CFE Media and Technology
AI is becoming ubiquitous in most engineering and tech-related fields. This is especially true in cybersecurity where AI is already being used by both defenders and attackers. CFE Media recently examined how AI is being used in industrial automation and cybersecurity in its Bridging the Gap Video/Podcast Series. In the third episode, we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of AI and how it is being used in industrial automation and cybersecurity.
5. Webcast: Secure Remote Access, 5 New Ways to Close the Identity Gap in OT
By CFE Media and Technology
Cyberattacks on manufacturing and OT systems are on the rise. Almost 25% of cyberattacks in 2022 were carried out against manufacturing. So how are threat actors accessing these systems? Stolen credentials or compromised remote access tools are used in nearly every OT breach. But the need for employee and third-party remote access to critical machines has never been higher. In this highly interactive webcast, Jeff McDaniel and Ritesh Agrawal of Airgap demonstrate how easy it is to close the gap between access and identity for OT.