2025 System Integrator of the Year: Multisite IT/OT network project

In the $20 million to $50 million in system integration revenue category, Matrix Technologies Inc. is the winner.

2025 System Integrator of the Year, $20 million to $50 million in system integration revenue category insights

  • Matrix Technologies Inc. is the 2025 System Integrator of the Year award winner in the $20 million to $50 million in system integration revenue category, from Control Engineering and Plant Engineering publications, WTWH Media.
  • Matrix Technologies answered questions about automation and control system integration achievements, projects, engineering development and metrics, among others

Matrix Technologies Inc. is the 2025 System Integrator of the Year award winner in the $20 million to $50 million in system integration revenue category and discussed automation and control system integration achievements, projects, engineering development and metrics, among other topics.

Dave Blaida, PE, is CEO and president at Matrix Technologies, a 2025 System Integrator of the Year winning company. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Dave Blaida, PE, is CEO and president at Matrix Technologies, a 2025 System Integrator of the Year winning company. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

In your 2025 System Integrator of the Year application, what were you particularly proud of?

The Matrix Team is proud of the accomplishments and continuous improvements we implemented in the years after our last win. It would be easy to rest on our accomplishment and say we had “arrived” once we won the award, but that has never been our attitude. We recognize that only through constant re-evaluation of our processes and systems will we keep our position of leadership in the market.

The most significant thing we accomplished this year was to implement the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). This is a huge step forward in the engagement and reward of our team in our success and we will reap the benefits in the years to come (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Plant-Floor network closet for information technology/operational technology (IT/OT) use samples the complexity of communications, part of a corporate infrastructure rollout across 22 client locations. Cybersecurity, reliability and robustness are all key aspects to a solid infrastructure. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Figure 1: Plant-Floor network closet for information technology/operational technology (IT/OT) use samples the complexity of communications, part of a corporate infrastructure rollout across 22 client locations. Cybersecurity, reliability and robustness are all key aspects to a solid infrastructure. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

Describe one or more system integration projects

One project mentioned in the application was the Corporate Infrastructure Rollout across 22 client locations. This project encompasses many aspects of the expertise we bring to the market, as well as the industry focus overall. As the client continued to look for ways to gather actionable data from plant-floor operations, it also recognizes that in many cases the existing infrastructure is inadequate to gather and protect that data. Cybersecurity, reliability and robustness are all key aspects to a solid infrastructure, and this project allowed Matrix Technologies Inc. to help our client achieve these goals (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: The “Matrix Be Vigilant” graphic reminds workers to follow safety procedures, look out for teammates and never take shortcuts that compromise safety. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Figure 2: The “Matrix Be Vigilant” graphic reminds workers to follow safety procedures, look out for teammates and never take shortcuts that compromise safety. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

We understand how to architect these robust networks and have a deep understanding of all the attached equipment, including programmable logic controllers (PLCs), drives, human-machine interfaces (HMIs), databases and connected devices. Implementing a new network system into the middle of an operational production facility is the equivalent of open-heart surgery. We stop the entire system, install the new equipment and then bring it all back to life over a brief period. Each of these implementations has been flawless, and that speaks to the level of skill and knowledge our team has in this industry, and the strong level of partnership we develop with our clients who trust us with their most important projects.

What system integration project methodologies do you use and why?

There is an overarching need in every project to ensure success, and that is clear requirements and expectations. Without this, projects have a very good chance of failing, or at least not meeting someone’s unstated expectation. Part of our project process has been the development of a clear scope of work and functional specification for every project. This is the only way to ensure all requirements are documented and that the system meets those requirements. This was true 20 years ago, and still is today. What has evolved is where and how those requirements are developed. Years ago, this was often assembled by our clients. Today, with limited staff and tight timelines, our clients turn to us to develop these scopes and requirements. Client scopes and requirements for projects are still just as important as ever, but we now get involved earlier than ever in developing them.

How have customer expectations for system integration projects changed?

As the more experienced staff retires and leaves the client sites and locations, clients expect more from their system integrator partners (see Figure 3). In some cases, the newer engineers simply don’t have the knowledge of old systems they are charged with supporting or replacing, so they often turn to system integrators to help understand what they have and how to either maintain it or replace it. This often leads to “pre-engineering” opportunities to help define a project and its requirements. We have formed new organizations within Matrix to help focus on this upfront engineering needed to close the gaps that are becoming more prevalent with our clients.

Figure 3: Pairing younger engineers with project leaders that have the knowledge ensures an efficient knowledge transfer, while providing for project oversight. Client site visits are included. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Figure 3: Pairing younger engineers with project leaders that have the knowledge ensures an efficient knowledge transfer, while providing for project oversight. Client site visits are included. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

How important is developing long-term customer relationships and why?

Our entire business strategy is built around forming long-term partnerships with our clients. The more we can be considered an extension of their team, the more we can service their needs. As we get involved in the early-stage planning as mentioned earlier, we get a better picture of the workload to come next year and later years, and we can staff appropriately to handle this workload. Our clients know we are there to meet their needs, and they are willing to send more projects our way. Consistency around project teams and project execution leads to better quality and lower cost for our clients, which is what our clients are seeking from their partners (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Training puts employees in real-world plant situations to build the troubleshooting and communication skills that are just as important as technical skill training. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Figure 4: Training puts employees in real-world plant situations to build the troubleshooting and communication skills that are just as important as technical skill training. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

Are supply chain issues affected projects in any way?

Two years ago, this would have been a resounding “yes.” However, these supply chain issues have eased greatly, and we do not see significant effects on our projects any longer.

How are you helping younger engineers with automation and control system integration?

We have focused in the past year on improving our onboarding programs for new hires. This process is outlined in our application. Specifically, pairing up our younger engineers with project leaders that have the knowledge ensures an efficient knowledge transfer, while also providing for project oversight. We also have invested in additional training for employees that puts them in real world plant situations to build the troubleshooting and communication skills that are just as important as technical skill training. In addition to training and mentoring, we make sure younger engineers have the opportunity to visit client sites and get a real-world view of the projects they support which also helps build an understanding of the role they play in making projects successful.

Please share a long-term goal for the company

Following our EOS planning process, we focus on re-investable income. This is income that we use to invest in tools, technology, and employees to allow us to stay ahead of the competition. If we do this, we know we will be able to provide high-quality, efficient, and reliable solutions for our clients. It is not just about making money that will be shared as bonuses and salary, but rather money that can help us meet our core purpose of “Enhancing People’s Lives…Every Day.” This includes our employees, clients, and communities, to name a few.

Provide a few metrics and explain their importance

Key metrics include:

  • Team Matrix has worked diligently over the past four years focusing on our client partners within seven specific market sectors. Today, this has resulted in a higher level of client retention and satisfaction from those key client relationships where Matrix continues to meet client’s needs when scored in client feedback. Our clients rate our work above average at a 4.60 (4 is meeting expectations). Matrix is proud of the quality of service we provide and continue to grow our relationships with our partners.
  • With 784 days, or 1.2 million hours, without a lost time incident and a 0.48 experience modification rate (EMR), we continue to set high standards for workplace safety. This achievement, along with being awarded the Highwire Gold Star Safety Award in 2024, underscores our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our team and our dedication to maintaining the highest safety protocols across all operations.
  • Employee engagement and retention are crucial to the success of Matrix Technologies and the satisfaction of our clients (see Figure 5). Over the past few years, we’ve made significant efforts to enhance the employee experience, and our recent engagement survey reflects this, with an impressive 82% engagement score, with improvements for the past five years. Our transition to an ESOP is the latest step in recognizing and rewarding employees for their long-term commitment to Matrix.

Figure 5: Matrix engagement score shows the year-over-year growth in employee engagement. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies
Figure 5: Matrix engagement score shows the year-over-year growth in employee engagement. Courtesy: Matrix Technologies

Dave Blaida, PE, is CEO and president at Matrix Technologies. Edited by Mark T. Hoske, editor-in-chief, Control Engineering, www.controleng.com, WTWH Media, [email protected] Amanda Pelliccione, marketing research manager, WTWH Media, administers the System Integrator of the Year program. Learn more about past winners, as well as this year’s winners in other categories, including the under $20 million in system integration revenue category and the over $50 million in system integration revenue category.


For more, see the Matrix Technologies Inc. entry in the Global System Integrator Database.