Development: Microchip ‘starter kit’ enables HMI, intelligent sensor processing

MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24H MCUs makes adding advanced 16-bit control to embedded designs easy.

By Renee Robbins July 23, 2009

MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24H MCUs from Microchip Technology makes adding advanced 16-bit control to embedded designs "cost effective and easy," according to a spokesman. The $59.98 kit includes everything needed to develop and evaluate Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) and intelligent sensor processing for embedded designs.

"An increasing number of embedded-control applications require higher performance 16-bit processing," said Derek Carlson, vice president of Microchip Development Tools. "With the MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24H MCUs, we offer these customers a complete development system with breakthrough affordability, high performance and remarkable ease of use."
The kit is based on the PIC24HJ128GP504 16-bit microcontroller, which features up to 40 MIPS performance, 128 Kbytes of Flash, 8 Kbytes of RAM and a range of integrated peripherals.
For advanced HMIs, the kit includes an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) array display supported by the free Microchip Graphics Library, low-cost audio and speech playback capability for user prompts, and user-input capabilities.
For intelligent sensor processing development, the Starter Kit board has a triaxial analog accelerometer interfaced to the PIC24H, along with example applications such as motion-sensitive gaming.


See a video overview of the product on YouTube.


PIC24HJ128GP504 16-bit microcontroller information.

HMI, Operator Interface, SCADA news from Control Engineering

– Edited by Renee Robbins, senior editor
Control Engineering News Desk